Nope, according to the video I saw on TV (in November 2014?) there were 3 shots but only 2 "marksmen". The first 2 shots were fired by Lee Harvey Oswald, using a bolt-action rifle. Impossible for him to fire 3 shots in the time of the incident. In fact he left only 2 cartridges in the Texas Book Depository.
Apparently, his first shot missed but the second hit JFK in the neck and entered Governor Connolly. JFK allegedly cried "I've been hit".
The third bullet appears to have been accidentally fired by an alerted Security-man and that's the one which blew JFK's brains apart.
Sorry, no conspiracy, no grassy-knoll shooter, all an accident triggered by Oswald's failed attempt. All backed up with real-time video and ballistics, notably the bullet which killed JFK could only fit a Security-man's or other's automatic rifle, not Oswald's. So 3 bullets and only 2 shooters, the latter an innocent accident but just possibly a second assassin I suppose (latter not proposed in the video).
I've tried to buy the video which was on TV but it does not seem available.
Anyway I am only relating what was broadcast and I don't have any proof but it sounded credible to me, that's all.