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How Is This A Good Use Of Police Time And Resources

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bazwillrun | 14:56 Mon 12th Jan 2015 | News
26 Answers

what an utter waste of time I see a quote from her majesties finest telling us how understaffed and short on resources they are I'll remember this....

what an absolute nonsense


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"The allegations amount to sexual assault, which is a crime. Of course the police should investigate2

get over yourself strike me as the sort that would complain and insist the police investigate....sheeesh

Yes, shocking that someone would want to see potential crimes investigated... what is the world coming to?
Celebrity Big Brother. Not another series of this ridiculous nonsense again
Didn't know about this until I read your post and how I agree with you. If I wanted to watch this programme I would expect just anything. Mindless rubbish with a load of hasbeens. I have taken a few looks at it in the past and its like watching paint dry. I was flipping through one day and all I could see was people in bed asleep. I give up with most TV anyway.
He has accepted a caution so that is the end of the matter no trial no jury not even a Magistrate . Police costs will be minimal. Just more publicity for this terrible show.
Douglas, very good. :o)

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