Crosswords16 mins ago
No Wonder They Are Queuing Up Across The Channel To Come Here.
34 Answers
http:// www.dai lymail. ews/art icle-29 14429/G uests-s taying- four-st ar-hote l-angry -asylum -seeker s-check -in.htm l
While our own ex service men are sleeping on the streets, and our poor are attending soup kitchens and living on food parcels, our Government are putting up 'Asylum seekers' up in £100 per night 4 star hotels.
While our own ex service men are sleeping on the streets, and our poor are attending soup kitchens and living on food parcels, our Government are putting up 'Asylum seekers' up in £100 per night 4 star hotels.
Exactly, naomi. The government of the UK is elected (and paid) to look after the best interests of UK citizens. Everything else comes a not very close second. Actually, Jim, I could not give a tinker’s cuss about the situation in other countries. How they view and treat the problem is their affair, as it should be ours to deal with it in the way we think fit....
12:48 Sun 18th Jan 2015
Have you been to a Britannia Hotel? It's a wonder the Asylum seekers aren't complaining.
Britannia Hotels are empty of paying customers because they are ***. They have the capacity to house the asylum seekers. The Government will not be paying the rates that the Mail quote.
The alternative would be for the Government to build its own hostels which would probably cost the taxpayer more.
The cherry on the cake, which the Mail missed was that Britannia's Chief Executive, Alex Langsam is a non-dom tax exile. The Mail story is based on a TripAdvisor review. The real story is that the Coalition Government has entered into a deal to make a tax avoider even richer.
Britannia Hotels are empty of paying customers because they are ***. They have the capacity to house the asylum seekers. The Government will not be paying the rates that the Mail quote.
The alternative would be for the Government to build its own hostels which would probably cost the taxpayer more.
The cherry on the cake, which the Mail missed was that Britannia's Chief Executive, Alex Langsam is a non-dom tax exile. The Mail story is based on a TripAdvisor review. The real story is that the Coalition Government has entered into a deal to make a tax avoider even richer.
Sorry its a Daily Mirror link.
http:// www.mir uk/news /uk-new s/cash- strappe d-minis try-def ence-ex pected- hand-30 87627
http:// www.ind ependen /news/u k/polit ics/sev en-army -barrac ks-hit- as-sold iers-mo ve-into -cluste rs--but -scotla nd-comp lains-o f-broke n-promi ses-852 ml
/// The bases being sold off are Claro Barracks, Ripon, North Yorkshire; Howe Barracks, Canterbury;Craigiehall Barracks in Edinburgh; Cawdor Barracks in Brawdy, Pembrokeshire and parts of Redford Barracks, Edinburgh; Forthside Barracks, Stirling; and Copthorne Barracks,
Shrewsbury. ///
http:// news/uk -englan d-york- north-y orkshir e-21687 067
http:// news/uk -englan d-21674 341
http:// news/uk -wales- 2167268 1
/// The bases being sold off are Claro Barracks, Ripon, North Yorkshire; Howe Barracks, Canterbury;Craigiehall Barracks in Edinburgh; Cawdor Barracks in Brawdy, Pembrokeshire and parts of Redford Barracks, Edinburgh; Forthside Barracks, Stirling; and Copthorne Barracks,
Shrewsbury. ///
AOG, Another here.
http:// www.ken tonline medway/ news/hi storic- barrack s-site- is-up-1 7414/
But it also helps the MOD mask the
But it also helps the MOD mask the
"The alternative would be for the Government to build its own hostels which would probably cost the taxpayer more."
No. The alternative would be to leave these people (who are predominantly young single men) to fester on the streets. Once word gets back across the channel that things are no better here than they are there the numbers cutting their way into lorries to stow away may decrease.
The relevance of Mr Langsam's tax arrangements is unclear but since it's been mentioned, good luck to him. At least he will not have money appropriated from him to pay to house an feed foreigners who arrive here illegally - even if the cash eventually does end up back with his company.
No. The alternative would be to leave these people (who are predominantly young single men) to fester on the streets. Once word gets back across the channel that things are no better here than they are there the numbers cutting their way into lorries to stow away may decrease.
The relevance of Mr Langsam's tax arrangements is unclear but since it's been mentioned, good luck to him. At least he will not have money appropriated from him to pay to house an feed foreigners who arrive here illegally - even if the cash eventually does end up back with his company.
So, Jim, you suggest that we accommodate and feed every lost soul that finds their way to these shores. Not only that, but we do so with a reasonable amount luxury (however poor Brittannia Hotels might be). Then of course, if they do not find their way into the "black" economy having gained their bearings here, we accommodate their claims for asylum or other claims to allow them to settle here. After that it's but a short step to the full raft of facilities and benefits paid for by taxpayers and to which the newcomers will contribute little, if anything.
Cynical I may be, but I detest seeing the UK being taken for a ride by those who are not happy where they were born and see this country (with some justification) as El Dorado.
Cynical I may be, but I detest seeing the UK being taken for a ride by those who are not happy where they were born and see this country (with some justification) as El Dorado.
We really must be a Worldwide Laughing Stock by now!
By now? I think you'll find we have been for some time and by some way, too!
We're renowned for spending more feeding a prisoner per day, languishing in one of Her Majesty's hostelries than we are on a Serviceman so asylum seekers would be living in the lap of luxury I'll wager.
By now? I think you'll find we have been for some time and by some way, too!
We're renowned for spending more feeding a prisoner per day, languishing in one of Her Majesty's hostelries than we are on a Serviceman so asylum seekers would be living in the lap of luxury I'll wager.
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