I don't think any of your respondents have got to the nub of why some kippers *self-identify* as racist (despite your emphasis on the self-identification bit, three times, in the last couple of pages).
Now, we're none of us psychic so you have no choice but to locate some of them and speak to them to find out not just what they mean by that word but what their inner reasons are for their dislikes. The woman featured on the news said she "couldn't put her finger on it" and even - bizarrely - referred to 'past lives' (evidently a non-christian or a cheeseboard theist).
This is, of course predicated on the idea that you can even get them to stop and give you the time of day. If she's anything to go by, they won't.
But they are specifically racially prejudiced against other races, which excludes prejudices against white immigrants (eg. from Eastern Europe).
That doesn't make sense to me."
Sounds like you don't understand their mentality. It's not about race, they just don't like 'foreigners' of *any* description. So the word you should be looking for is "xenophobic".
Or "equal opportunities xenophobe"?
This is just plain, old, tribalism, writ large. If you've got a great piece of territory upon which to raise your offspring, the last thing you want is to let outsiders get a share of it. One can believe all races are equal yet still be possessive about territory (as the Oyinbos thread ably demonstrated).