I am constantly accused of regular posting on certain subjects, Immigration, Muslims, Homosexuality, and black issues.
If these subject upset some ABers, then how is it that these four subject matters attract the most responses, or should I only post on certain subjects that attract just a minority response?
Or perhaps some of you would rather me not post at all?
So come on all you complainers stand up and be counted.
I have always thought of you as someone who will stand your ground against any argument, no matter how heated it may get (!) but you have always been willing to take any debate to a conclusion, and that has to be admired.
You cannot please everyone, so pick your battles, and ignore those who are more inclined to pick a fight for the sake of it, rather than debate a difference of opinion.
As the subjects you post on are almost constantly in the news on a daily basis I think they are relevant and you should carry on just as you always have done so.
I for one always enjoy these debates that you promote. There is no compulsion for any one to join in if they do not like the subject matter.
Alas I will be described as a right wing knuckle dragger but I do not proscribe to silencing someone just because I may disagree with their points. I leave that to the left whingers.
Quite wonderfully - you were posting on Free Speech, and how we all should be allowed to post whatever you wanted. I applauded at the time your free speech kick
and then regretfully you went back to slagging off people who didnt agree with you...
I've just choked on my porridge Not another stomach churning,cringe making reach for the sick bucket Tuesday 24th February 2015 in the offing is there?
retrocop - // I've just choked on my porridge Not another stomach churning,cringe making reach for the sick bucket Tuesday 24th February 2015 in the offing is there?
:-) //
Not from here - can't speak for everyone else though!!
Retrocop - we know that if you saw AH's cute four year old riding her bike on a pavement, you would immediately kick her off and arrest the father in order to uphold the law
but really some of your comments are outraaaageous !
please don't include me in pp's,as usual,strange rant. Isometimes wonder why he bothers to post at all. I am sure I am not alone in thinking that his posts are a result of some substance abuse because I can't work out what the heck he is on about half the time. "me, bikes. daughters" what is that rubbish all about on this OP?
retrocop - // AH please don't include me in pp's,as usual,strange rant. Isometimes wonder why he bothers to post at all. I am sure I am not alone in thinking that his posts are a result of some substance abuse because I can't work out what the heck he is on about half the time. "me, bikes. daughters" what is that rubbish all about on this OP? //
I only included you by proxy, but I appreciate your desire to be distanced from Peter's more ... unusual ... observations - I confess I find myself similarly baffled a lot of the time.