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Farage Chased Out Of Town

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mushroom25 | 07:25 Mon 23rd Mar 2015 | News
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is harrassing someone having lunch legitimate protest?


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// PP....what? It's not his wife and children making the policies so why should they expect abuse?//

umm no ummm

wives and children are affected by UKIP policies ( not only men ) and so wives and children can be expected to get involved...

You're not making sense, PP.
Peter Pedant - wives and children are affected by UKIP policies ( not only men ) and so wives and children can be expected to get involved... //

Being out with your parents and having lunch and being frightened by a bunch of loud obnoxious strangers is not 'getting involved'!
it appears that he fled the pub and left his children behind. True leadership qualities!
Where did that information come from?.The photo caption on this link says he drove away from the pub with his family!
" You're not making sense, PP. "

does he ever , the most unintelligble posts , they need deciphering before reading, and even they seem like some sort of cryptic crossword clue...
and even they
twice the word t h e n was removed....!

///A statement attributed to a witness to the event, and released by the group appeared to solve the riddle.
It read: “As some protesters and the press entered the rear of the pub, I saw a blonde-haired woman leaving with two children....the scene was calm although she seemed very keen to get out of the pub, possibly not wanting them to be identified.///
retrocop, it's in the report linked to above.

//Mr Farage, who is standing in Kent's Thanet South constituency in May's general election, said: "I hope these 'demonstrators' are proud of themselves. My children were so scared by their behaviour that they ran away to hide.

"... A relative has gone to look for them, and they are not yet at home.//
I assumed that the children ran away once back home and had not returned and had not being abandoned at the pub. I read it that the "family" left together in the family car.

Retrocop, see ^^^ 10:35.
i have to agree witht he other postes NF is awan butdoes not deserve to be accosted when out with his family
Thanks Baldric for link.
Mr Farage holds controversial views. He holds his views as being in the best interest of the UK where he was born.He is not entitled to Special Branch round the clock protection as he is not yet a P.M. or former P.M.
Perhaps there would be howls of protest if he were to request it.
If Sir Salman Rushdie,Bombay born, can write controversial books and have S.B. protection at the cost to the British tax payer of £1,000,000 per year perhaps we should grant Mr Farage a little more respect as to regards his family life which costs the tax payer zilch.
"perhaps we should grant Mr Farage a little more respect as to regards his family life which costs the tax payer zilch."

dont be silly hes white english and proud...tut tut tut
it's becoming a little less clear-cut, isn't it? Protestors say they didn't see any children, and the Mirror suggests they were whizzed away very quickly. So it seems most of the protest was indeed directed against the man himself and not his family.
My point entirely.Perhaps those great unwashed who attacked" his rights to a family life" are the same who promote the same rights to foreign criminals who escape deportation etc.
I would suspect that Mr Farage saw trouble looming through the rear entrance of the pub and said,"Schnell Frau. Get the kinders out of here pronto and I'll join you later!"
I don't that privately Nige will be too bothered about this. The surrounding publicity will ensure a few more votes in the bag.

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