Quizzes & Puzzles7 mins ago
Has Cameron 'betrayed The Country'?
Edited from the Dault Telegraph:
// David Cameron has been heckled by a long-serving Tory member angered at the Government's failure to curb migration at the launch of the party's election launch.
In a rare breach of the slick presentation that characterises Conservative events, Mr Cameron was heckled by a party member of 35 years who was angered by the scant mention of Europe and immigration in the speech.
Mike Howson, 59, from Staffordshire Morelands, shouted that Mr Cameron had “betrayed the country” by failing to cut immigration.
It comes just days after Mr Cameron was booed, heckled and jeered by pensioners over the NHS at an Age UK rally. //
http:// www.tel egraph. co.uk/n ews/pol itics/d avid-ca meron/1 1501505 /David- Cameron -heckle d-by-lo ng-serv ing-Tor y-over- failure -to-cur b-migra tion.ht ml
Is this ling time Cinservative member right?
// David Cameron has been heckled by a long-serving Tory member angered at the Government's failure to curb migration at the launch of the party's election launch.
In a rare breach of the slick presentation that characterises Conservative events, Mr Cameron was heckled by a party member of 35 years who was angered by the scant mention of Europe and immigration in the speech.
Mike Howson, 59, from Staffordshire Morelands, shouted that Mr Cameron had “betrayed the country” by failing to cut immigration.
It comes just days after Mr Cameron was booed, heckled and jeered by pensioners over the NHS at an Age UK rally. //
Is this ling time Cinservative member right?
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For more on marking an answer as the "Best Answer", please visit our FAQ.Gromit....I am concerned about the unemployed in general, not just the old ones or the young ones. In the two very large meat packing plants near where I live in South Wales, the workforce is overwhelming Eastern European, mostly polish, of all ages and both sexes. Not all the jobs being done there require the men to have the physique of The Hulk.
If these two places of employment were to be deprived of its (mostly) EC Labour, they would close down with immediate effect. The reason that they are thriving and providing a much-needed input into the local economy is the availability of labour.....labour that the local British born population is unwilling or unable to provide.
Have you been anywhere near a Hospital lately ? What would be do without all the foreign Nurses, cleaners, caterers, etc ?
I have made all the above points many times before on AB. The reality is that some of our own unemployed would rather live on benefits. Not all, I admit, but in large enough numbers to make immigration an essential part of our daily lives.
If these two places of employment were to be deprived of its (mostly) EC Labour, they would close down with immediate effect. The reason that they are thriving and providing a much-needed input into the local economy is the availability of labour.....labour that the local British born population is unwilling or unable to provide.
Have you been anywhere near a Hospital lately ? What would be do without all the foreign Nurses, cleaners, caterers, etc ?
I have made all the above points many times before on AB. The reality is that some of our own unemployed would rather live on benefits. Not all, I admit, but in large enough numbers to make immigration an essential part of our daily lives.
I wonder if British jobs wasn't advertised across the EU if unemployment figures would fall.
http:// www.tel egraph. co.uk/n ews/wor ldnews/ europe/ eu/1020 5511/UK -jobs-b eing-ad vertise d-acros s-the-E U-at-ta xpayers -expens e-it-em erges.h tml
I am afraid askyourgran that you run the risk of being labelled at tghe very least naive. The NHS WOULD collapse overnight, if its staff were not supplemented by foreign workers. The current Health Secretary was interview live in the last 24 hours and he admitted that the NHS and care sector would need 10,000's more staff in the next few years. Where are the these people going to come from from, if not from abroad.
And you earlier comment about "and the need for the Asian to get into parliament and achieve standing for themselves and their communities here" is, with respect, still ill-judged, ill-founded, and quite frankly ludicrous. It still borders on naked racism.
And even if Blair "opened this can worms" which I reject...what have the Tories done to stop or reverse the situation ?
In fact, your last post is disjointed and all over the place...what on earth has jihadis brides, or sexual grooming got to do with anything ? Apart from pouring petrol on simmering racial unrest ?
And you earlier comment about "and the need for the Asian to get into parliament and achieve standing for themselves and their communities here" is, with respect, still ill-judged, ill-founded, and quite frankly ludicrous. It still borders on naked racism.
And even if Blair "opened this can worms" which I reject...what have the Tories done to stop or reverse the situation ?
In fact, your last post is disjointed and all over the place...what on earth has jihadis brides, or sexual grooming got to do with anything ? Apart from pouring petrol on simmering racial unrest ?
///Blair "opened this can worms" which I reject...///
Really Mikey?
Ultimately, it comes back to this issue of member states able to issue job ads for their own people for a period of x before it is offered across the community. The benefits packages could be changed legally tomorrow - and even better 'differentiation' as to any immigration coming in from outside the Market.
The States are facing something similar as to their Mexican, Cuban and other C-America immigration.......
The States are facing something similar as to their Mexican, Cuban and other C-America immigration.......
Not quite true when you add retirees in, tony..........
http:// www.ft. com/cms /s/0/5c d640f6- 9025-11 e3-a776 -00144f eab7de. html#ax zz3Vibj x1GR
Tony...I believe that there may be more Brits working abroad, but its too late in the day to spend much time looking for the data !
But the principle of job migration within the EC is the same for everybody.To legislate in favour of one side against another could hardly be called fair.
My own brother benefited from being able to work in Germany in the 90's, because building site work was scarce here at the time. Swings and roundabouts....who knows, maybe he and other Brits will be working in Germany again in the future, if we have another building slump here ?
If we stop Europeans from coming here to work, how would it be fair to continue to allow the opposite situation.
DTC is correct in saying that paying benefits to foreigners isn't right, but it may be a condition of our continuing membership of the EU.
And that is an entirely different debate !
But the principle of job migration within the EC is the same for everybody.To legislate in favour of one side against another could hardly be called fair.
My own brother benefited from being able to work in Germany in the 90's, because building site work was scarce here at the time. Swings and roundabouts....who knows, maybe he and other Brits will be working in Germany again in the future, if we have another building slump here ?
If we stop Europeans from coming here to work, how would it be fair to continue to allow the opposite situation.
DTC is correct in saying that paying benefits to foreigners isn't right, but it may be a condition of our continuing membership of the EU.
And that is an entirely different debate !
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another source, more global.....
http:// news.bb c.co.uk /1/shar ed/spl/ hi/in_d epth/br its_abr oad/htm l/defau lt.stm
Tony....like the CBI, I am in favour of Britain retaining its membership of the EC, and if we ever have a Referendum about the issue, I am sure we will debate the subject here on AB ! I look forward to that day, but not tonight.....please !
We had a five mile walkies this afternoon and I am now knackered !
We had a five mile walkies this afternoon and I am now knackered !
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