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Rainbow Coalition Anyone?

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icecreamicecream | 14:52 Fri 03rd Apr 2015 | News
35 Answers
Why cant the Tories ,the Labour party and the Lib-dems not have a pre-election pact to work togetherto try to make this country great again.Dont invite any of these nasty nationalist parties anywhere near the corridors of power.Nationalism...Urghhh....


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Gromit, //Net immigration under the coalition has increased the UK population by over 1.1 million in five years. Immigration under Labour rose by 2.2million, but that was over 13 years. So the Coaltions record is even worse than Labours.// We’ve had this conversation before but still you continue to spin and it’s disingenuous. Immigration from...
10:24 Sat 04th Apr 2015
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They did it before against the nationalists in the NSDAP....and produced one of the great leaders of Britain and a fierce opponent of narrow nationalism-Clement Attlee.
but who would lead such a rainbow assortment of disparate characters?
Well, because they can never agree about how to achieve things.
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But ,they managed during the second world war .Didn't they have a round table of all the talents? Nowadays the whole lot of them couldn't organise a proverbial pee up in a brewey.
Coalitions these days do not work because politicians are not in it for the greater good of the country (as they were in WWII) but for themselves and their Parties.
There was also the National Government, 1931 - 1940, which was not a coalition in the true sense of the word, but which had the effect of splitting the Labour party. In 1935 the formerly Labour PM, MacDonald, lost his seat to Labour.
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Looks like were going to get some kind of a coalition anyway.But it doesn't look as if it is going to do any good to us hardworking taxpayers.As per usual the strivers strive and the skivers skive.Sooner I retire the better.Without any dosh,by the looks of things.
The Coalition after the War was in the national interest and not Party Political. Labour and the Conservatives have diametrically opposing positions, and any Coalition between them would lead to paralysis.

Mind you the less Government gets involved in people's lives the better!
Interesting article in the Guardian today, suggesting that there could be a Labour/LibDem pact on dealing with the deficit, after the Election. It is suggested by the Resolution Foundation, that this deal could result in the necessary deficit reduction, without the need for the huge cuts planned by the Tories.

I have always had a great deal of respect for Cable, although he is probably making moves behind the scenes to become Leader, when Clegg is ousted and/or loses his Sheffield Hallam seat.

Interesting times ahead !
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God forbid any nationalist party getting into power anywhere in the world.However up here in Scotland we seem to have learned nothing from the past.
I think the Lib/Dems will be wiped out, I can't see them being involved in any coalition.

The big worry is that the loony SNP will get their claws into the Labour Party and prop them up in return for some of their crazy policies being backed - it'll all end in tears!
Are red, yellow, and blue compatable colours?
>>>try to make this country great again.

This country will never be great again.

Our success was being a sea fairing nation from the 1600s onwards and going off and colonizing all sorts of countries (India, Australia, Canada, a lot of Africa etc) and using them to make us rich.

We then were lucky enough to have loads of coal so we could take a lead on the industrial revolution with steam engines, stream trains etc.

We only "won" WW2 because the USA came and helped us, but it left us with a ruined country and broke (I sometimes wonder if we really did "win" the war, Germany and Japan got help to rebuild, we never got hep from anyone, we just had to pay our war debts).

But we cant go off and colonize any more countries, and having coal is not much use any more (have we got much anyway).

So sadly we are now a decaying Western country (rather like Portugal, Spain, Italy etc) with a collapsing infrastructure (rail, roads etc), a poor housing stock (you only have to watch Homes Under the Hammer on TV to see our awful houses), many cities that have lost their "purpose such as Liverpool (port), Manchester (cotton), Birmingham (all sort of manufacturing) and so on.

We have also allowed in hundreds of thousands immigrants with almost no controls so we have a rag bag of immigrants, many with no skills and who cant speak English who are managing to drag much of the UK down to third world levels.

As a country we can plod along for a while on our past glories, but sorry, no politician has got a hope of every making this country great again.
what a pity that our "nippy sweetie" knocked the socks off those poor old etonians and their ilk.
You are right to be afraid, very afraid.
The ladies were superb, but Nicola was top notch.
Roll on May 8th
It's being so cheerful that keeps me going.
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Very well said,VHG.Fortunately ive lived my life.God knows whats going to happen to the younger generation,God knows.
rich47, //You are right to be afraid, very afraid. The ladies were superb, but Nicola was top notch. Roll on May 8th//

What do you hope will happen?
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Rich47 nwont be rich anymore up here in Scotland if if Nicci and Wee Eck get anywhere near the levers of power in the UK.
You are so right rich47.

Our friends in the South are sure getting themselves in some state.
They really have not a lot to be worried about,have they.?
The only rainbow coalition I can envisage happening is an anti-Conservatie Alliance.

Labour, SNP and LibDems.

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