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///There is a difference between education and promotion. ///

Of course there is, but the newspaper have decided to include the word 'Promotion' in their headlines of a story which is really about Education.
Sex is the processes leading up to and including the fertilization of an egg or eggs. Anything else is just social behaviour.

You wrote:

"they should do sex education, not promotion. In maths they don't promote trig over algebra do they? they just educate."

Please don't be taken in by the OP and the linked story.

The NUT are not talking about 'promotion' of gay relationships within the framework of sex education lessons.

This word has been inserted in order to get a response.

The motion is to "make it compulsory that all schools' sex education policies include a positive portrayal of same sex relationships".

This isn't promotion, it's simply a push to show that gay relationships should (like straight relationships) be viewed as equal to straight ones.
All the same, sp, I'm enjoying the image of some boys meeting at a public toilet in the 1950s to solve trig problems together.
Question Author

/// It is the teachers themselves who are suggesting a positive portrayal, so how are the teachers being 'forced' to do it? ///

There you go again Gromit, where does it say that "teachers are being forced to do it"?
it is what is known as an anology jim, look it up! F\F\S!
Err... in the OP? "Should schools be forced to promote gay relationships...?"
I'm well aware of what an analogy is. But this is a hopelessly bad analogy.
you know what i'm saying, you are not normally obtuse.
Question Author

/// Schools are not going to be forced to promote gay relationships. ///

They are if the NUT union's has got anything to do with it.

*** The motion, which was passed, calls on teachers to put pressure on the government TO "MAKE IT COMPULSORY" that all schools' sex education policies include a positive portrayal of same sex relationships". ***
Again, AOG, with this "positive portrayal" equated wrongly to promotion.

Compare: "Gay relationships are nothing to be ashamed or afraid of and if that's the relationship you fall into then enjoy it just as much as anyone would a straight relationship." (NB Please don't ask me to write the official guidance) -- this is positive portrayal, and:

"You should totally try a gay relationship once in your life." -- promotion.

The former is what's being advocated, not the latter.
So,why did YOU put forced in your headline?
-- answer removed --
Would it be better if the quote stated:

*** The motion, which was passed, calls on teachers to put pressure on the government TO "MAKE IT COMPULSORY" that all schools' sex education policies exclude a negative portrayal of same sex relationships". *** ?
i've been searching for reports from the conference itself to find out what was actually said, and in so doing have discovered that in fact there are three conferences in harrogate running concurrently, ie the NUT conference, the NUT Black Teachers conference and the NUT LGBT Teachers conference. There may be more but i find no evidence - yet.

why is it that an organisation that appears to be imploring society as a whole to be more inclusive, finds it necessary to divide itself into special interest groups?

Thank you for that post at 11:11am.

Clarity at last.

You missed the NUT Young Teachers Conference.

The reason why jim360 has (rightly) said that your analogy doesn't work, is because it really doesn't work.

You wrote:

they should do sex education, not promotion. In maths they don't promote trig over algebra do they? they just educate.

Well, in maths they do indeed teach trig and algebra, but to extend your analogy until it works, what we have at the moment in maths, is algebra is being taught, but there is little or no mention of trig.

What these teachers are proposing is that trig is a valid subject to be taught in maths, and has just as much value as's just a different mathematical principle.

And what you're saying is that by including trig into the maths curriculum, you're somehow 'promoting' it.

Now THAT analogy works.
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/// Please don't be taken in by the OP and the linked story. ///

/// This word has been inserted in order to get a response. ///

I do not wish anyone to be 'taken in', just asking a question to a legitimate news story, nothing wrong in that I hope?

Neither did I insert the word 'promote' so as to get a response, I just took it from the headline of the news story, but I do hope that I have not infringed on the latest 'words we can no longer use' vocabulary?
And if a parent considers that gay relationships are not positive for whatever reason, will the NUT force the government to make all children attend these sex-ed lessons?

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