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Unaccountable Amount On Bank Statement

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Ric.ror | 07:56 Fri 10th Apr 2015 | Personal Finance
11 Answers
I have just logged on to my account and there is an amount for a payment to laura Ashley that I cannot account for
Do I contact laura Ashley or my bank?

Many thanks in anticipation


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Contact your bank. Usually these transactions turn out to be genuine- maybe an online purchase - but it's possible that it was someone using your card details or an accidental 'contactless purchase'
I would go into the bank quite honestly.

and then Laura Ashley

and depending on the answers, change account numbers and cards
and remember CIFAS - for those who have been cloned

writing as one who has been cloned - - O and I dont do any internet banking either now
I had stuff turning up at the house -
and couldnt work out ( since the accounts were in my name) if it was a dissatisfied customer ( really dissatisfied .... whom I had taken to court ) or a light fingered neighbour who had not been quick enough in darting out and saying ...." oo he's out, I'll take that, yeah "

anyway good luck - and yeah agree FF later ghost transactions have always been ones that I had done myself and forgotten about
You recently asked a question about the Laura Ashley sales. Are you sure you haven't purchased something? A bit of a coincidence if not...
Question Author
I have bought lots recently from LA but nothing for the amount in question
There is a missing payment to LA but the two amounts and purchase dates just don't match
Question Author
I've checked the receipt and that matches what I bought
Is the amount less than you thought? Sometimes things are discounted again after you've ordered but before dispatch, meaning you get the extra money off. Dates might not match up, especially with online purchases.

Dig out any invoices that came with your goods.
Question Author
No it's more approx £20
Oh right if you are a LA customer , and it is not a question who are you but more, my bill wasnt X it was Y .....

start with them
Question Author
I forgot about those two pillowcases
What an idiot I am

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Unaccountable Amount On Bank Statement

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