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stuey | 21:42 Thu 16th Apr 2015 | News
18 Answers
I have never in all the years that I have been on AB heard this word tossed and bounced around so much on here. Is it a new trendy word over there?


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we only have personifestos here, which is a sort of extended pesto and goes nicely with pasta..
21:45 Thu 16th Apr 2015
we only have personifestos here, which is a sort of extended pesto and goes nicely with pasta..
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Jno, I have heard that marina sauce is quite splendid with fish dishes: it has a slightly salty after-taste associated with it.
I think salt is only acceptable with caramel these days, at least for the middle classes. Without caramel it is a silent killer.
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I really cannot comprehend that the middle class could possibly afford to own a camel, let alone have the monies to afford the salt-licks for the creatures...Hey, aren't we going off on tangents here?
a creme camel is nice after a seven-course banquet, though you have to make sure to remove the hooves properly.
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Just don't, in polite company anyway, dare to mention their toes.
Right, who mentioned those !.
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Not me, Gov; but that there jno came a might close.
Anyway is the word manifesto never spoken of out there in the colonies, stuey ?.
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It doesn't seem to be used that much; however, it's surely snapping, crackling, and popping over there especially in the New section of AB...No big deal: just thought I'd comment upon it.
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-- answer removed --
Well stuey it's almost general election time, the time when the political parties put together a list of things that their particular party are going to do ( usually a load of bull crap ) for us the general population and how their party is best suited to run the UK. You must have something similar over there, stuey.
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Yeah, it's sort of like choosing between a crocodile, an alligator, and a piranha fish: all three really don't bode that well do they?
Yes stuey, very similar.
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They're all out to satisfy themselves at your unfortunate expense...Anyway, I'm off in search of wobbly-pops: cheers.
They sure are, stuey. Enjoy your pint ( or whatever it is in fluid ounces ).
It's election time. Why wouldn't relevant items be discussed by those who think a political manifesto can be trusted ?

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