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Eu Refugee Quotas To Be Proposed.

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Khandro | 07:21 Mon 11th May 2015 | News
54 Answers

What do you think of this? and is it only so bad in Libya for young males?


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.....and a legal means for migrants to travel without recourse to traffickers.

looks like an open door policy to me.
I don't think much of it at all. These people aren't only coming from Libya and when the quotas have been fulfilled, then what? We don't need quotas - we need to say 'No'!
One might ask why a Nigerian and a Syrian family were in Libya in the first place.
It's not like it's a big secret that the place is a basket case.
Surely putting oneself in peril can't count as a factor when claiming asylum.
Don't worry, the Conservatives have our backs. Just watch Brussels bow down.
Talbot, they won. Get over it. This isn't about the Conservatives. This is something that will affect the whole of Europe.
Douglas, throughout Africa word has spread that Libya is 'The gateway to Europe'.People are coming there from the whole continent to get to Europe.

"Welcome to The, the first safe Country after leaving Libya"
I think the whole of Europe will live to regret this.
I have nothing to get over, naomi. I really didn't care too much who won, it won't change my life.
I have read thread after thread after thread on how fantastic it is that the nation stuck with the Consevatives...let's see what the all singing all dancing saviours do on this issue.
This is an open door and now Cameron is elected we can rest assured that none of those migrants will end up in the UK.
Cameron's re-negotiation with the EU starts here and the country is behind him.
There may be a humanitarian problem to be solved, but a half hearted attempt to stop traffickers by doing their "job" for them does not solve the cause of the problem. Whilst I have do doubt it is being proposed for the best intentions, it isn't something any nation or grouping should contemplate.

Illegal traffickers should simply be forced out of business by the nations where they operate by the police clamping down on it.

And if Libya or anywhere else has abuse then the UN should be considering the concerns of AI and voting on action to take. That would be a problem to sort out at source, not one to simply deal with the symptoms of.
Nice piece of sarcasm Gromit :-)
Talbot, I’m not so sure you have nothing to get over. This thread is not about the election. You too, Gromit. This is going to become a very serious problem for the whole of Europe.

OG, //Illegal traffickers should simply be forced out of business by the nations where they operate by the police clamping down on it.//

If we refused to take their passengers and turned the boats back they would be out of business. We shouldn't be considering half measures and compromises. 'No' is the only answer.
Its a bit like blackmail, if you pay the ransom blackmailers will take more hostages. If we accept the migrants more will follow.

I wouldn't let them drown at sea but they should be immediately returned to where they came from.
/// The European Commission will make the controversial proposal that EU member countries should take in refugees under a quota scheme ///

/// However, it will need to be agreed by EU states. ///

Who exactly make up the European Commission?

They should be individually named.

They are not secret. Have you ever bothered to look?
//If we refused to take their passengers and turned the boats back they would be out of business.//

the manner of their business would not permit that.

you cannot refuse to take their passengers because "they" bale off the ship before the EU authorities are encountered.

you cannot turn the boats back because the vessels are physically incapable, plus there's no-one with the ability to pilot them (see above).
Mushroom, //you cannot turn the boats back because the vessels are physically incapable,//

I don't understand that. They are capable of turning back once they've off-loaded their passengers, so why not when the passengers are still on board?
Turning the boats back would be rather inhumane. Confiscating the boats and dropping the passengers off from whence they came, is a possibility. It still should be the responsibility of the country they operate from though.
//Turning the boats back would be rather inhumane.//

How humane can we continue to be?

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