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Mikey, I've been offered it many times and always refused it, vocalising my view on its production. You've to be able to sleep soundly in your bed at night, and frankly, the thought of how it's produced makes me feel sick. A living creature forced to take in food until its liver swells to several times its normal size, and some folk think the creature doesn't...
20:44 Tue 19th May 2015
I love it, and a glass of sauterne with it - not good for the diet though.

My view - another nail in the board to having us eating nothing but veg, fruit and nuts and then then f-cakes will probably find that they are suffering too. Bo11ocks IMO.
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Oh yes, of course, a glass of Sauternes, DT.

Ex ... qui ... site ... !
DTC perhaps if you were strapped down and forecastle fed Foie Gras every day until you were so fat you could hardly stand ....the pleasure of eating it may just wear off a tad?
'forecably' (where the * did forecastle come from and what does that mean lol!
oh I give up.........
Ideally a Ch. d'Yqem 59, but then something like a Ch Climens2005 or 07 would go down well. A 5 or 6 Puttenyos aszus from Tokaji (Hungary) is also a lovely accompaniment, a little more bite like a sherry undertone to it.....
I am not the duck or goose, chic......big difference.

This is a centuries old farming and rearing practice across Europe and about to be destroyed by so called liberal or socialist townies who think that they know best and try to dictate what everyone should enjoy or not. Bloody meddling I call it.
p.s. I am not into cannibalism, though you could ask the Uruguayans about that, if interested in animals eating their own species.
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Isn't the "forecastle" a part of a boat?

In movies, the captain shouts "Man the foc'sl" or something like that.

Should I check before I "Submit" just in case I look stupid? (no change there, then, ha ha)

No, let's go with it ...
correct, Jayne, in a 'foie of war' - oops man....
Question Author
Woo, I was right.
So, because something has gone on for 'centuries' thats ok is it? Thought we had moved on to more compassionate farming methods and foie grass can be farmed without torture but just not enough. Its a disgraceful way to treat an animal for a luxury food item.

enjoy your meal :-(

It was where they strapped seagulls or captured enemy down and force-fed them a mixture of bran and milk, thereby inflating the livers as a delicacy for Captain Pug-gras.
Oh, wouldn't I love to see you in an abattoir, or even an extended culinary (gastronomic) tour in (your choice) of Japan, China, Vietnam, the Middle East, France, Italy and a fair number of African nations. South America, I can't reasonably speak for, my visits there being limited but I bet the Peruvians and their reputation for culinary delights at the edge can drum something up 'interesting.'
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It would take a few sailors to strap a seagull down. They're tough dudes.

There was a chihuahua that tried it just recently.
Cuy for example......
At least there is some use for them!

Off on out for an hour....
DTC Do you honestly think I don't know where meat comes from lol! I grew up in Canada where you can get your own raised meat slaughtered by rifle on your own farm and am quite capable of doing everything from skinning a rabbit to jointing a whole deer. There is a lot of cruelty around the world involving the meat industry,but people would argue its for human sustenance and meat would be much more expensive if it were grown more compassionately. Foie Gras is not sustenance, it is a luxury food item eaten out of snobbery and perceived 'good taste' . I've eaten loads of it before I knew how it was produced and its like the Emperors Clothes - people 'have' to like it. Blind Tasting its a bit of fatty duck liver,nothing more.

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A Ban On Fois Gras?

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