>>>most of us want out.
I am not sure that is true and a vote to stay in / get out will be very close.
For years I have wanted to get out, as I hate many things about the EU, however I do think some large companies will leave the UK and set up their headquarters in Europe if we leave.
I think we should try to stay in, but change some of the "rules" (as Cameron is trying to do).
I don't think total unlimited movement of people between countries should be allowed, because in principle EVERY person in the EU has the right to come here (or to go to any country) which is untenable.
There should be limits of people movement between countries per year based on the home population and the population of the country you are going to.
This is to protect smaller countries being swamped.
And I think there should also be a total for the year of people who can come from EU countries to your country, once that limit has been reached no more can come till the next year.
I am also against paying child benefit AT THE UK RATE to children living in Poland etc. If we do have to pay child benefit then pay it at THEIR rate not ours (personally I think scrap it all together).
I also don't think a person from the EU should have the right to come here, marry an illegal immigrant, and that gives the illegal immigrant the right to stay in the UK.
Why should a Polish person (for example) have the say so on who can stay here, particularly as it is probably a sham marriage anyway.