I don't read the Sun. I have read aloud the entire OP to Mr. J2 (not indigestible!). I am glad someone has said this, rant or not it hits truths.
So the answer is 'Agree'. Talbot's 13.26 post is near to what I feel.
Don't want to harp on, but to integrate in France I had to accept their ways, language and laws (many seem stupid to me). Most Muslims don't seem to want to integrate into a non-Muslim society, in fact it's hard to see how they can practice their religion if they take part in a western society. Some educated Muslims, however, do - so it is quite possible with goodwill from them.
That being so, I feel it is in order to say 'integrate or find a country where you can live as you wish to live'. This is my country and culture, built by generations of my forefathers, so respect that. I don't see why I should lose my culture and lifestyle in favour of yours.