Well there we have it: Answerbank is teeming with "stealth words". Bits of sentences which are so low on content that they whizz past the consciousness, allowing the reader to feel the full impact of the accusatory language placed beneath.
AOG gets away with it, yet again, by a trick of the light, adding the required emphasis only AFTER the target has successfully been wound up.
How many others launched in to agree with the euthanasia/genocide stuff? Did they not notice the "not far off" either? I wonder why???
//Not in this thread or any other thread have I ever said that "Immigration is the WHOLE cause of the overcrowding problem".
So please, can I now have an apology? //
You may have a partial apology. But you are quibbling over the presence or absence of one word (a statement qualifier) in the hope that it gets you off the "main charge", which is that you do bang on about immigrants: this bad thing, immigrants: that bad thing, like a broken record.
It is only half a sentence to add that they are not the whole problem. There might be cases where they are, on a local level but we react to each story on its own merits.
My accusation, as such, was the result of the "general impression" you put across, not the nitty-gritty of the specific words you string together. I can certainly apologise for getting the wrong impression but I hope you can understand why that happened.
Also, it is increasingly hard to ignore UKIPpert on the TV and all across social media these days. Sadly the message is so repetitive and single-themed that it is easy to conflate hundreds of individuals into one great lump. In doing so, words which came out of one mouth (could be a panellist or audience member on Question Time, for instance) get misattributed to someone else, such as yourself. If that ever does happen then I'd certainly apologise for that too.