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Cameron's Video Message To Muslims...

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trt | 21:58 Fri 17th Jul 2015 | News
39 Answers
Considering whats been happening the past 2 weeks, is this a good thing?

Not for me.


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I just wish he'd used English words without exception and forborne to explain that charity was 'zakat' - that was totally unnecessary. If in UK speak English. (In France, you speak French - full stop.) It seems an odd statement. If he wishes to be multi-cultural (horrible phrase and makes him even more untrustworthy than he is already) he is going to be very...
20:14 Sat 18th Jul 2015
Mamyalynne, good googling. I still think this country pays Muslims to much lip service.
Sorry, cross posted. Just seen your last message. Thank you for the information. Bye.
Will Cameron and co donate their unwanted payrises as zakat?
Sickening. Cameron and AB's friends of Islam. What is it going to take to
He must be after the East London voters.
I just read your PM's message, and it brought to mind the Cantonese term kau tau.
/// This Ramadan, we’ve seen the very best of British Muslim values. ///

British maybe? but the rest???????????
/// We’ve seen unprecedented charity – zakat – with thousands upon thousands of pounds raised for the needy. ///
Oh dear, NJ. A bit more research needed next time, perhaps?
"Oh dear, NJ. A bit more research needed next time, perhaps? "

Sikh and ye shall find ...
Pandering to muslims, as usual !
Chap - did you read the links posted by Mamy?
I agree with Naomi at 23:40.
"A bit more research needed next time, perhaps? "

I didn't say he didn't jim. I just said I didn't recall him doing so (probably because it wasn't reported so prominently).

Looking at the message about "vaisakhi" (Eh?) I think it looks like the civil servants have provided a template:

"Wishing you a happy Easter/Eid/Hanuka/Vaisakhi (delete as appropriate)"

I don't know why the PM feels the need to do this. Just because a minority of the population chooses to celebrate some obscure (and sometimes puzzling) religious festival there is no need for the Prime Minister to wish them all the best.
in all honesty, christianity is nearly a minority religion in the uk. Your post could equally apply to say a christmas message NJ
I just wish he'd used English words without exception and forborne to explain that charity was 'zakat' - that was totally unnecessary. If in UK speak English. (In France, you speak French - full stop.)

It seems an odd statement. If he wishes to be multi-cultural (horrible phrase and makes him even more untrustworthy than he is already) he is going to be very busy giving greetings to all the religions which flourish (mostly peacefully) in the country.

Given the garb he and Samantha wore recently at a Muslim 'do' I am afraid that it is only natural that I suspect his motives and commitment to promoting and supporting the British culture amongst our immigrant communities.

/// Given the garb he and Samantha wore recently at a Muslim 'do' ///

Wasn't it a Sikh do?
Perhaps it was, AOG - same point really. Other cultures living here need to adopt our customs and dress (except for ceremonials and festivals, which I quite understand as a need to hold on to their cultural identity) and we should not be adopting their styles.

trt thank you muchly for BA - totally unexpected :)
It deserved it jourdain ..

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