Some interesting figures, and not a mention of European Immigrants.
8 million people or 14% of the UK population belong to an ethnic minority
The 5 largest distinct minority communities are (in order of size):
Indian, 1,412,958
Pakistani, 1,124,511
Black African, 989,628
Black Caribbean, 59,4825
Bangladeshi, 44,7201
The UK’s Bangladeshi population represents the largest concentration of
Bangladeshis anywhere outside Bangladesh. The UK is also home to the second largest Indian population in the western world
Over the past decade, the UK’s White population has remained roughly the
same size whilst the minority population has almost doubled
BME groups accounted for almost all (80%) of the UK’s population growth
Black Africans are the fastest growing distinct ethnic group. The slowest
growing are White and Black Caribbean groups
People of Mixed ethnicity now represent the second largest (non-distinct)
minority population, and are the fastest growing
With the exception of the Black Caribbean population, all BME groups display
a much younger age structure than the White population
Ethnic minorities represent just 5% of the Over-60 population, but 25% of
the Under-10 population
The median age of BME communities ranges from 22 (Bangladeshis) to 38
(Black Caribbeans). The White median age is 39
By 2051, it is estimated that BME communities will represent between
20–30% of the UK’s population
BME groups are highly concentrated, living mostly in just a few very large
Someone from a BME background is seven times more likely to live in an
urban area than someone who is White
98% of BME residents live in urban areas compared to 80% of White