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Is It Really A Good Idea To Put This Out?

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youngmafbog | 07:53 Tue 21st Jul 2015 | News
82 Answers

Already I heard interviews with Big boned girls that are using it as an excuse.

The bottom line is, you have to eat too much to be fat ( I know believe me). Giving people this lifeline to not do something about it 'because its my genes' surely is not a good idea?

And how come this was not around over the years if hereditary?



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Personally I wasn't trying to start on anybody.

Obesity is becoming a big problem, both for those involved and for the NHS. The problem is if you are overweight you will grasp at anything other than the real truth. I know, I am not small at all myself.

I used the term 'big boned' trying to be polite rather than yelling FAT.

I agree Mickey, the proliferation of fast food takeaways has to be a contributing factor. I live in a reasonably affluent area and they are here too. In addition I can order a kebab in the pub on my phone and it is there by the time I walk back to my house. Perhaps things are becoming a bit too convenient?
Too much can vary between different folk. it is already known that the gut microbes you carry has an effect so it is too simplistic and condescending to simply tell folk they eat too much. They may have better storage systems and greater more frequent mental reminders that they wish to eat.

But as to the main question. If it is fact then why should it be censored. If folk misuse the information then so be it. Plenty seem to manage to do such things already. It seems many are scared to know things or scared others might.
How come this gene has recently mutated?
If history tells me right I read that children were never more healthier when fed war rations. Bland,boring maybe and probably austere but sustaining,nourishing as possible and little or no obesity.
Greed and availability plays a large part in obesity today plus un nourishing junk food IMHO.

This gene is all about "Binge Eating in Teenagers" eating disorder, quite different in many ways from Obesity. Most of the posts relate to Obesity.
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Just be rude, I would. But then I have been called a rude man many times.
Aside from the discussion of why people become obese,what really gets to me is how nasty people can be regarding the calling that would be called bullying if it was in a playground. Does it make people feel better?
I know a lady who is severely obese...probably around 20st. In the 5 years or so I've known her,I've seen her battle her weight with little success. She eats well...only fresh food cooked by either her husband or herself. Normal sized portions...she does not over eat. No junk. She's a walker..always out with her dogs,works hard in a very stressful job. But the battle with her weight continues. Worse are the battles with the demons who tell her she...and others like her...are worthless gluttons "with only themselves to blame". Unless you have walked in HER shoes,keep the negativity to yourselves please.
On the other side of the coin,I also know a client where I work who is even more obese...possibly 24st. She is a diabetic. When she arrives,she goes straight for any biscuits or sweets that are on offer...has a plateful or more. Never says no to pudding at lunch...unless it is fruit. Uses sweeteners...probably as they are " healthier".
This gene is all about "Binge Eating in Teenagers" eating disorder, quite different in many ways from Obesity. Most of the posts relate to Obesity. //
Probably because it's become a discussion about what makes lazy people with excuses get fat...
LOl ^^...O.K
Isn't the whole point of the link to demonstrate that binge eating causes obesity?
//Researchers say that young people with this genetic imbalance have a 20% higher chance of excessively overeating, and subsequently becoming obese.//
Pasta, I am not saying its always the case but for some people the meds used to control the diabetes give them really strong cravings for sugary foods and their weight balloons. I have seen it frequently in the course of my work and also with a very sensible friend of mine. He wouldn't accept that it was his fault and kept going back to the diabetes nurse until they got his meds sorted and once this happens, the intense cravings and light headedness went and he was able to start losing the weight again. had a similar but less dramatic experience a few years ago. I was borderline overweight for my height. Changed my eating and lost about 1.5 St over the course of three months. No one commented until one day when I went into the reception and had several co workers descend on me..."are you OK???"(lots of worried faces)...errr,yes...why? "You've lost so !much weight...and we were concerned". Ahhhh...OK. It seems it's alright to think the worst,rather than that a person just wants to be in a healthier body.
sorry, meant to add Ummmmmm I totally agree with you regarding comments about thin people. Making uncomplimentary comments about people's size and other physical attributes used to be called "making personal remarks" and was the height of bad manners.
In general it seems easier to gain weight than lose it, which must be very frustrating for those people who try to lose weight but fail on the whole. Especially when they're called lazy, etc etc. In some cases that may be fair, in others it is absolutely not. Sadly it's all too easy to pre-judge about these things.

With respect to the OP, if it is true that there is a genetic origin to "binge eating" then it does seem important to know that -- while undoubtedly some will use it as an excuse, others will use it as a guide to knowing their problem and, hopefully, being more able to deal with it. it isn't .

All the research is saying is that they have identified an abnormal gene in Binge Eaters,which is responsible for a few (20%) of teenagers developing obesity in later life.

Binge Eating, glandular disorders and now a genetic connection being responsible for a very few cases of Obesity, which is due to eating too much.

That is all the researchers are saying and yet most of the above posts are about obesity which has little to do with the results of the study.
@ woof...I'd not known that...seems the cure causes even more problems. I'm not sure this woman is on any meds....and if anything she's probably gained in the 7 years I've known her.
Loads of meds increase appetite.
But with diabetes...where weight is a causative factor...meds that cause weight gain/increased appetite seems the last thing a patient needs.
So the research is telling us this is not a new problem.The gene has always been there and is hereditary in some cases?
retrocop........EXACTLY.....well put;-)

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