Did you vote for anyone Togo? If not , can you really complain? If yes, did yours get elected and if not why do you think the electorate chose someone else?
I vote in every local or national election ff. Sometimes my choice gets the chance to shaft me sometimes the choice of others gets the chance to shaft me. but at least our flip flop system is better than a dictatorship. At least we can all do this without fear of . Gotta answer the door some clown is hammering on it. [^_*]
I would imagine that will be the case, Scotland banned traditional fox hunting before England tho, it's just that it is an old law that needs tightened up, I think all hunting laws not just the cute wee ginger rabies carrying killer fox laws need to be updated
As they are looking for another 40% saving from the treasury doesnt that equate to about 260 MPs - just make the constituencies a bit bigger even less if you detach Scotland and Wales.
Sir Ian Kennedy he who awarded the MPs their whacking great pay rise has written to the Times after someone accused him of taking home £182k p.a., repeated by me in this thread that in fact he only earned £37k as parliamentary supremo p.a.
I am happy in true journo fashion, to put the record straight
His org is called IPSA and after this blooper - I suppose it should OOP-SA !