You do not work so the government pays for your home and gives you money to live on. You pay no tax, bedroom or otherwise because you don't earn any money. You give the government nothing so how can you 'give more'. Before Social Benefits were available, and still in some other countries, you would not be given a home or money to live on. Concentrate on what you have, not what you have not or what you think you should have, and plan to make you life better instead of moaning. I moan all the time about the amount of Tax -real money that is, not a cut in Benefit -that i have to pay, Income Tax, Council Tax (over £3,000 a year and they empty our bins that's all) so everyone has something to moan about. If you want to follow the esteemed members of the house of commons then the first stage is to get some skills -and its all free for you as you are on Benefits -If I want to do a course at the local college I have to fork out upwards of £600 for a 12 week night class. Think about it.