And The Rich Get Richer Under "austerity" in The AnswerBank: News
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And The Rich Get Richer Under "austerity"

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Canary42 | 08:45 Mon 17th Aug 2015 | News
81 Answers
No doubt our Rightie contributors will see this as Leftie propaganda.


"We've seen executive salaries pulling right away from the rest of society, creating this small elite of people that are just paid astronomically."
Rich Text Editor, the_answer


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What's more important is whether the poorer are getting poorer in real/absolute terms.
A few hundred premier league's footballers' salaries probably earn more than most chief executives, and a few thousand top investment specialists do too. Hopefully these very highly paid people pay tax in the UK and help fund public services
Quite agree with you, canary, it's a blumming disgrace.
\\\No doubt our Rightie contributors will see this as Leftie propaganda\\\

No not at all Canary........a very good post and relevant point.

The post reflects the situation with less than 0.1% of the population and really, i couldn't care less how much they earned as it does not affect my life and i doubt if it effects many people's lives........particularly the "poor."

Simple right wing values of the market force against the left wing surge to equality of opportunity and reward and this is what the leadership of the Labour party are struggling with.

It would seem that the electorate would prefer a centre or right of centre thinking as i described above and those that disagree have the chance now to support left wing thinking.......i.e Jeremy Corbyn.

"Austerity is for the masses, not the elite."
Twas ever thus.... but one would think/hope that things had changed over the 20th century... but no. I feel it sad that whenever anyone mentions inequality ... of opportunity being the worst I would suggest... that there is an outpouring of sneering at 'lefties'. It is almost that some people do not want everyone to have the same life chances as they may have had. It makes me so sad for the future. .... but what do I know?? I am probably a leftie too...
Do you know, I'm an truly sick of this 'so the rich get richer' Why do you think that is? The poor are far better off than they were 50 years ago in real monitory terms. Not many Executives leave school at 14, stand around street corners and live on Benefits -no they invest in their future by working damn hard and studying and working up to where they are. Its pure jealousy and possibly regret at not doing so well at school that makes people spout those rich getting richer remarks. And don't give me that 'well they were privileged' as I know people who have come from distressingly poor backgrounds who are now multi-millionaires through hard work. The real people who need help are middle class working families who are often worse off than families on benefits when everything is added up (free school meals,free prescriptions etc) and small to middle sized businesses who are taxed up to the eyes to pay for Brits on benefits who have no intention of taking the jobs that the migrants come over to do from Eastern Europe.
The usual politics of envy....
The real people who need help are middle class working families

I'm guessing that is you and yours, Retro?
Talbot - not quite - not being born in the UK I don't subscribe to the Class System. We have old money, land and businesses -perhaps you can 'fit me in somewhere ;-)
I can't see any justification for differentials of this magnitude in pay. I'm amazed that anyone can.
Perhaps, svejk, an example is that paying one top footballer £200000 is better value for money for a club than paying 1000 mediocre players £200 a week
I don't understand though why someone who earns over a million pounds a year though still strives to earn more. I remember someones aying it's all relative - they want to earn more than their peers- it's not that they need the mextra money
If someone earns £2,000,000 a year they will pay around £1.000,000 back in Tax.
That doesn't mean they actually deserve the £2,000,000 Retro.
'Deserve' is a difficult thing to define though I think Talbot? Does someone on benefits deserve what they get, at one extreme, to does Jonathon Ross etc or Wayne Rooney deserve their huge salaries
We are now well into the 6th year of Tory or Tory-led rule, and the gap between rich and poor is growing ?

Quelle surprise !

Who would have thought it possible ?
tonyav ^^^^ LOL........I like it.......
I thought you might, sqad ;-)
The Tories are up to their old tricks again. Cutbacks for the families of working people, while giving huge tax breaks to the rich and/or soon to be rich, in the raising of IHT.

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