Frans Timmermans (some EU panjandrum)@R4 says the EU are henceforth going to patrol the shores of Europe and, instead of assisting, stop the people smuggler's boats and make them? return to where they came from?
Sorry Svejk, it was the abbreviations that threw me. However I look forward to this taking place, I as an octogenarian, suggested this is what should have taken place from day one, but what does an old layperson know eh?
Sorry Svejk, it was the abbreviations that threw me.
However I look forward to this taking place, I as an octogenarian, suggested this is what should have taken place from day one, but what does an old layperson know eh?
Theyll just start throwing themselves into the water and assume theyll be picked up by the patrol boats who wont be able to land them on shore for all sorts of reasons...
I know we can take it with a pinch of salt. Just thought it strange that the EU can take such a u-turn. I think it's designed as a 'sop' to the countries that are having unwanted fugees foisted on them. They seem to announce new plans almost daily. None will happen, IMO.