The left/anti British
Oh? I've seen this phrase "anti British" thrown around on Answerbank before and dismissed it as I didn't think it was aimed at me or people like me.
This is the first time I've seen it practicaly *conjoined* with "the Left".
Provided there have been fewer than 50 threads disputing this in the past five years, kindly explain why being left of centre means being "anti-British".
//have never been able to handle paradoxical thinking, //
You mean just the ones you've met and talked to had failed to grasp this concept?
//you need them so you don't need them, end of.
21:07 Wed 30th Sep 2015//
You need them to stop tank divisions from rolling into Germany. Fulda Gap should pull up some interesting analysis on Google.
I can't claim to know why the basic assumption of the west was that Russia had a perpetual desire to invade. They kept their WWII territorial gains because 39-45 had cost them about **20 million** soldiers and civilians, all told. No way would you hand territory back, after such losses, if you'd been in charge.
Russian militarism was all about not losing another 20 million but it scared us witless and we weaponed up.
USSR had *no nukes* at the end of the war and the notorious spies leaked nuclear secrets to them in an attempt to set up the stalemate which ended up preventing further wars in Europe.
This was, probably, why McCarthy went to such lengths to hunt down further spies. The rhetoric against Communism must have reached a level that the Soviets imagined the west seriously wanted to invade them and wipe out their ideology, hence they kept their military on the huge side.
The worst of it all was that the Soviet leadership MUST have been aware of how much their own citizens and the pact countries hated communism so the whole setup of "defence of the ideology" was purely to maintain the hold of the few on the reins of power.
Finland was attacked by Russia in 1939.
Forests and lakes and snow and ice are evidently not ideal tank country.