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That's what I'm afraid of Baz!
Balders and Naomi

Read my post at 1523.I don't wish to debate with this idiotic comment used.
retrocop, sorry for repeating what you said. I missed it.
// The brief investigation suggests cops believe the gang is likely to have fled to other parts of the country. //

If the police believe they have fled, it is pretty pointless searching where they were. It does not mean they have given up the hunt, it just means the net is cast wider.
It seems illegals can easily enter our island nation. In times past this would have be a resignation issue for the Home Secretary. But our present Home Secretary talks tough but does little.
What exactly would you like the Home Secretary to resign for, gromit?
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Well, she is in charge of securing our borders, but 6 illegals are free and shooting at people. I'd have thought that would be a good opportunity for an honourable member to realise she wasn't up to the job, and vacate the position for somebody who might actually be able to do the job properly.
Yes lets do the job properly. Get the Home Secretary to declare Martial Law.Road blocks,bring in all troops,shoot to kill all suspects for non compliance.Allow vigilantes to take up arms. All for that are you?
What if Mrs May declared that snipers must be on duty 24 hrs in Dover. Guns trained on the chunnel. Any persons running through into the UK will be shot on sight. Now thats tough.Would that suit you? Just how tough do you want it to be?
I know that the majority of police in this country are trying to do their best and want to keep the public safe and solve crimes
However I keep reading and hearing about what they can no longer do
What do they do?
Certainly not show a presence on the streets
Did see a police car screaming down the High Street today so I suppose some do still exist
All those things would happen if it were up to Mrs May, she has the right idea but not the right backing especially from the OOman Rights brigade. I would suspect the police haven't have a hope of finding them now, they will have melted into the underbelly that houses all the rest of the illegals here. They should have been stopped before they got as far as that.
I feel like weeping. How on Earth have we got to the point where defending ourselves has become controversial? I think I'll take my headache to bed.
There's some convoluted thinking going on methinks.
Makes you puke. Certain people on this site were moaning that the police in Moldavia gave some unruly rioting illegals a dose of tear gas.There were children in the forefront. This cowardly scum use women and children as a human barrier!!
God help our police if they tracked down these terrorist gunmen and shot them.
Well said, retrocop!
Merci ma cherie.Bon nuit. J'espere que la mal a la tete bientot aura disparu.xx
Perhaps if I cheat this is better.My first rendering was schoolboy French but sure you knew what I meant. :-)

J'espère que les maux de tête disparaît peu
Merci, retrocop. Bon nuit a tu et Madam Retrocop. x (This Franglais is good isn't it!)

D'accord, Tres bien, :-)
I despair too. I could cry when I read that they can think of sending illegals to another part of the country in a stretch limo instead of a Black Maria, or pleading for info of a family from Bradford with five children 'feared' to have gone to Syria, said to be following another family with nine children who went a couple of months ago. The local Asian MP said the authorities should have been aware and stopped them from going!

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