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Shouty Woman From Q T. Labour Plant?

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Svejk | 15:56 Sat 17th Oct 2015 | News
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Her tearful remonstration led me to think she was a ptime dinner lady on benefits.
16:08 Sat 17th Oct 2015
To address the original Question – I don’t believe Question Time does ‘plants’ of any persuasion.

I have appeared on Question Time. The audience is selected from people who send in a question they would like to ask – a set number of those questions are selected, the people briefed in advance that they will be called on to deliver their question.

The rest of the audience is made up of people who asked questions, but were not selected to ask their question at that time, but could be called on to add comment – as it appears this lady was.

I didn’t see the programme, but David Dimbleby will have had a list of all audience members, or she may have identified herself before the clip started.

The audience selection is made by the programme production team and designed to provide a balance of views and opinions.
Thanx Lynne but it wouldnt for me ;)

Tax credits to bolster private businesses? Thats new to me - how can I apply?
20:56 Sat 17th Oct 2015

I had no idea this was even a possibilty. I know they train dolités how to set up their own businesses but I thought the idea of that was to get them off the unemployment stats?

A question which is so dumb that nobody dare ask it is "Are self employed persons legally obliged to pay themself the minimum wage?"

Dragon's Den has had more than one applicant admitting that they pay themselves zero, so as to get their business off the ground. I have no idea what the taxman makes of such dodges but the tax-credit system must be obligated to cough up if income is below a certain threshold, surely?

Hypno, google HMRC self employed (my router blipped out). No salary but SE keep net profit after business exes.

Do you think she was a plant, and if so - why???
Whether or not she was a plant we will probably never know. However, I’ve been doing a bit more research and one thing is for sure, all is not quite as this lady, an alleged victim of vicious Tory cuts aimed at the poor, would have us believe.

Apparently, she receives £240 a week in tax credits. I’ve no proof of this. It’s only something I’ve read. But it is a figure not unadjacent to my £13k pa estimate I mentioned in my earlier post. She also receives 61.80 child allowance (this is undisputable). On top of this she received an unspecified amount in child maintenance from her ex-partner. On top of this she received Housing Benefit and a reduction in her council tax due to her impecuniosity.

So, not to bad an income. However, here’s the rub. The tears that flowed on QT and her shouts of “shame on you” directed at Amber Rudd, this week’s Tory stooge, were because of the proposed reduction in Tax Credits. The main change is that the support given to low earners currently begins to be reduced when earnings reach £6,420. The new proposals will see the reduction begin when earnings reach £3,850. There are also proposals to restrict child tax credits to two children, but this will only apply to new applicants. However, the lady in question has no recorded income from her business. The tax man may be interested to learn how somebody painting other women’s nails in her front room, presumably for cash, can earn no money at all from doing so. The local authority may care to investigate whether her premises allow for business use. Others may be interested to learn why she bothers at all since she earns no money. But the point is that since she has no earnings the tax credit changes about which she bleated so openly will not affect her one jot!

Her tirade went roughly thus:

“I Work bloody hard for my money to provide for my children, to give them everything they’ve got and you’re going to take it away from me and them. I can hardly afford the rent I have to pay. I can hardly afford the bills I’ve got and you’re going to take more from me. Shame on you!” (cue rapturous applause and whooping).

As I understand it the work she does provides no money at all (so we’re told). All her income derives from benefits or from the father of her children. And the latest “cuts” take nothing away from her at all.

She also bleated that many of her customers would stop having their nails done as they too would fall victim to these so-called cuts. Well I'm quite pleased about that. I don't think that State Benefits should stretch to paying someone else to paint your nails.

Whether or not she was a plant is unimportant to me. What's important is that she seems to have fooled quite a few people into believing she is a victim. And she's not.
Question Author
She also said she went without food so her children could eat.
That was patently a lie.
I don't know, sp. That's why I put a question mark. Don't care much either. I just put it up so we could have something to chat about and didn't want all the left whingers pouncing on me and demanding to know what the question was. ;)
Lots of parents skip meals when times are tight, I certainly have. She was clear to make the point it was not all about her, the cuts are going to have a wide effect.
Question Author
Tony, I heard John McDonnell asking people to oppose these cuts and promising to overturn them. Not because he thought they were unfair, not because he was ideologically opposed to them. Oh no, because 71 conservatives could lose their seats over it. Same old Labour Party.
Question Author
Really, mamya? I thought she was rather 'bigging herself up'.
All that, 'I'm just an ordinary person, it just happens I was the first person to highlight this' or similar. Like she invented bloody whinging or something.
She is a disgrace to those that are entitled to family credits & welfare, for her misleading dishonesty in the media.
If she has been exposed as dishonest I hope she has apologised publicly.

I shall stick to listening to the families close to me who are very worried and at least I can see the effects with my own eyes.
The trouble is, people like her who twist something and then get caught out, means we are less likely to sympathise with/believe those who really are going to find it tough. I think it's right though that we start to tackle this issue as tax cedits have grown to such an extent. Hopefully the zero inflation, wero increases in benefits, the rises in the minimum wage and increase in tax allowances will make things better within a year or two for those hit now
She will be receiving around £320 a week based on the TC calculator as she has no income but is working therefore would be entitled to full working tax credits - she would get more if she paid out for registered childcare. Along with her child benefit of approx. £60 add that to her free school dinners and rent aid etc etc and she is pretty well off.
Quite so, Islay, as I have pointed out in both my posts. And this assumes, of course, the highly improbable assertion that she earns no money from her front parlour nail bar.

"She was clear to make the point it was not all about her,..."

Sorry, Mamy, I don't buy that:

"I Work bloody hard for my money to provide for my children
...and you’re going to take it away from me
...I can hardly afford the rent I have to pay.
...I can hardly afford the bills I’ve got and you’re going to take more from me."

If that isn't all about her I don't know what is.

This woman's sense of entitlement I'm afraid is all too typical of many of her ilk and it knows no bounds. Quite why she should believe the taxpayer should support her to such a degree is one thing. But to bleat on national TV about cuts to her payments which, even a cursory glance will show are blatently untrue, simply beggars belief.

The extract from QT has been shown on the BBC news a few times over the weekend during the (oft repeated) items on the cuts to Tax Credits. (Quite why this should be "news" is unclear. The announcement on tax credit reductions was made some months ago and the implementation date is not for another six months). Not once were this woman's assertions analysed or challenged. Her tirade is simply presented at face value. And that's a greater shame than that she tried to bestow on Amber Rudd.
I realise what she said, but it seems she has been proved to be dishonest and I haven't seen those details.

So I reiterate, I shall worry about the families I know who are going to be affected.
This is how its done in USA. On tv last week

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