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Nigel Farage Tonight !

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Khandro | 17:57 Sun 01st Nov 2015 | News
53 Answers
"Don't miss Nigel Farage on LBC, Sunday night at 10pm for a live three hour show. He'll be talking about the big issues and taking calls so tune in and get involved!"
I pass this on for those interested.


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Faragemide Solution would be a very good mechanism to counter the verbal diaorrhea on offer here - whether it works for three hours, who knows?
You will have them 'running' scared with that one dt LOL.
it's probably a crap product, Togo....
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He said in the trailer this morning; Do you want to have Iraq and Syria as the border to the EU to which you are a member? If you do just vote to stay in.

Think about it.

Add Turkey to that little list
Then Cyprus, Greece, Italy, and the one that the Islamists crave once again. Spain. Gibraltar looks important then.

No use reminding some on here, they wouldn't even know how to tune their crystal sets into LBC.

As a regular listener to LBC, Nigel made a refreshing change to the usual left-wing presenters, with the silly sound effects that one of them constantly uses to try and come across as humorous.

Yes as usual Nigel was a perfect gentleman, no rude comments about a caller that he didn't agree with, after they had finished taking part in the discussion, as is the usual case.

Even to those that disagreed with Nigel (and there wasn't many) he listened to what they had to say, and put up an opposing view, without ending the call prematurely as do most of the other LBC presenters, if they don't like what they are hearing.

Yes a thoroughly enjoyable 3 hours, such a refreshing change to be allowed to hear the real concerns of the ordinary person, highlighted and discussed over the airwaves.


The rest of the nation was tuned into BBC's 'The Hunt'.

Absolutely fantastic bit of telly. Truly the Beeb at it's best.

I recommend watching it on iPlayer (get the HD's worth it).
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AOG; I didn't follow the whole thing - I'm 1 hour ahead of you, so it didn't start for me until 11:00pm, but I agree on his tolerance and courtesy, and though some of the callers were, shall we say, a little unsophisticated, they non the less held genuine concerns which he dealt with sincerely and without sounding patronising. A real gent!

/// The rest of the nation was tuned into BBC's
'The Hunt'. ///

No it wasn't, I for one.
I'm not sure what it is about this chap that people (and by people I think I mean Mikey) dislike so much. The only two polices that I know they have are to leave the EU which I just about disagree with and to accept christian refugees from the camps in Syria which I agree with.
I may be wrong of course but I find them less worrying than the tories
Yes AOG, I actually meant the entire nation. I was being completely literal there.
The Hunt BBC1@ 9:00PM-10:OOPM
Nigel LBC@ 10:00PM-1:00AM

If you must 'troll', sp, get with it.
What he means is AOG is that hes just showing yet again his condescending , patronizing arrogance, and a weak attempt to try and dismiiss the original post...but im sure you already knew that

Thank you for your attention.

I had the Downton / Homeland clash to resolve. As I am always overruled on a Sunday night, I have to watch Downton live, then Homeland at 10pm.

So I couldn't watch The Hunt until 11pm.

I appreciate that others may not have this Sunday evening telly logjam.

I hope you were able to catch Farage. It sounds like a wonderful show. I only wish it were on every single week.
I see, so the 'rest of the country' had to watch The Hunt at 11:00pm. That's cleared that up very nicely. (snigger)
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"I hope you were able to catch Farage. It sounds like a wonderful show. I only wish it were on every single week. "

go to the coast and rent a boat if you want to catch fish....



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