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A lone voice in the wilderness, like all such idiots, best ignored.
Ha ha - excellent Canary42.

It's very likely that most of the people there couldn't read anyway!
What a touching gesture.The German right wing allow a left wing trot to march with them even though they hold differing views.Cant see our trot scum behaving in such hospitable civilised manner!!

My money is on most of the crowd assuming he was pointing to several friends called 'Nancy'.
Wrong sort of March!!
Asked him to leave. How polite.

Yes...they must've been to finishing school.

Bless them.
Why are people who are concerned for the future of their country constantly ridiculed here? Can someone tell me that? Those who bang on about the 'right wing' don't seem to understand that most of the people attempting to reach Europe right now are far more right wing than any of those protestors. Who are the idiots?
Well as usual the Germans in the photo hardly fit the stereotype of our right wing protesters. No skin heads or tattoos. Must be hard to swallow for some on this site to see ordinary people protest against more unwanted immigrants.
retrocop, it's politically correct twaddle.

You asked:

Why are people who are concerned for the future of their country constantly ridiculed here? Can someone tell me that? Those who bang on about the 'right wing' don't seem to understand that most of the people attempting to reach Europe right now are far more right wing than any of those protestors. Who are the idiots?

I think it might be because you have normal everyday people who are not right wing thugs, and then you have uneducated racist morons.

Unfortunately, the latter give the former a bad name.

If you want an idea of what I mean, hop over the the Daily Express website, click on any link to any story about immigration, and read what some of these people have to say.

Furthermore, I'm sure you will agree - it's not a one way street. The left come in for as much bashing as the right on's jus that people who's politics veer to the right seem to be more adept at whinging.

Of course, I might be imagining it...but it seems to me that whenever you criticise right wingers, their petticoats go flying and they run off with the ball (mixed metaphors...yeah, I know).
SP, move on from pettiness and think about reality. If many of these people who are currently attempting to get into Europe have their way, you will be one of the first to be shoved from a great height. They don’t abandon their philosophy at the borders of Europe. What are you supporting? The people who are demonstrating know - but do you?

I find it heartening when people start looking out for me.

It always comes as a pleasant surprise.
I'll take that as a 'don't know' then.
I do rather sense there may be some disquiet and unease amongst certain members here as a result of a mass invasion of immigrants who are rocking the boat.
It kind of queers the pitch as that old Anglo Saxon phrase has it. :-)
Bit of insurance. Just in case :-)

I'm going to clue you in on something.

I could not stand shoulder to shoulder with many of those protesters, because they are from the same political sphere as those who used to spit at my mother when she came over to this country.

They are not, and never will be my allies.

The problem that these groups have, is that they have been infiltrated by thugs. Go to the Britain First, EDL or BNP websites or Facebook pages. Right now, they are campaigning against migrants and the Islamification of the UK. Prior to that I as a black man was their target.

It's naive to think that these groups operate with wholly altruistic aims. You don't know what I've seen, and I wouldn't expect you to. Right wing groups are not my friends. They may be yours, but they're not mine. I cannot stand shoulder to shoulder with them. My support remains with the Conservatives.

Incidentally - using the whole 'thrown off a building' line is bloody disgusting. It's a revolting line to use, and it's beneath you.

Shame on you.
Anyway - I'm up early tomorrow, so I will leave you to this thread. I'm not impressed with your line of thought.

Not that it matters - but it needs to be said.

Anyone who tries to engage a gay person with that line is seriously off the mark.


A rattled cage indeed!! :-(

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