Nelie...of course you are not thick ! I didn't mean to imply that and if I did, I apologise.
I have used an osteopath in the past and he helped me as well. But there is no great mystery there, as it involved manipulation of my spine. But just because one "alternative" treatment works, doesn't provide an excuse to believe that all the others types of treatments work as well. There is no relationship between these disciplines. Each must be evaluated on its own merits.
The difficulty with homeopathy is in the methods used. So-called medicines are formulated, so heavily diluted in water, that no molecules of the original ingredients its just water. If plain water and these medicines are submitted to independent scientific tests, no difference can be detected between the two.
There is no reliable and trustworthy evidence that homeopathy works at all, beyond a possible placebo effect, despite many attempts to find out out. If some people have faith in this type of treatment, than let them believe what they will.
It is, in a word, a pseudoscience. We don't advocate sending NHS patients to religious nutters or faith-healers, and neither should the NHS be involved in spending any of its meagre resources on homeopathy, which was the original point of my thread today.
The Wiki entry says it all :::