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Do We Have To Accept That This Sort Of Thing

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-Talbot- | 15:35 Sat 14th Nov 2015 | News
47 Answers

is now part of everyday life?

The security services are preventing potential attacks everyday.


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In the world of terrorism and bomb planting there is a "come on" ploy. I suffered loss of hearing on one such bomb. Police officer looks in bin and sees an air rifle and a knife. The officer will grab those at his peril. "What LIES BENEATH? A spring loaded booby trapped bomb. Best leave the experts make informed decisions how and where they use controlled...
16:12 Sun 15th Nov 2015
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Might well of been. I don't know. I didn't know the last words of Kenneth Howarth either. Closer to home. Wimpy Bar Oxford Street. Didn't drive him to his last assignment. My mate Bob Way remembers that shout vividly in his nightly slumbers. He drove him there. :-(
I recall a crazy RAOC sergeant from N.I. days. Was that a IED bomb disposal unit based in Kent? The person I recall became a RYA sailing instructor. Seem to recall Fort Halstead being mentioned by him??
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ANAL, ANFO, The Paddy Factor or Paddy's Firework display.
Place a 5ltr can of petrol in a carrier bag with a timed small PE charge on one side with a timer. Paddy places bag on window sill of front living room window of house whilst walking by. When charge explodes,and paddy places 5ltr tin correctly the fireball implodes the window and burns all the oxygen in living room. Occupants die immediately.Place the bag the wrong way round and a magnificent jet of flame shoots across the street and hopefully injures no one. lol. PERME (Projectile and Experimental Rocket Establishment). That was a fun place to make big bangs with the simplest of everyday items.
Oh dear I do so digress. My apologies to Talbot especially as he gave me a BA but sometimes I feel I have to try to explain myself more openly. :-(
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For sure. Saved a fortune in later days not wasting money on BBQ fire lighters. Lux soap flakes soaked in paraffin. Burn for ever. Don't see Lux soap flakes now. Can only wonder why. :-)

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Do We Have To Accept That This Sort Of Thing

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