... about Jeremy Corbyn as an electoral liability?
Under his leadership (and even after the savaging given to him by the Tory press yesterday), we have seen a significantly increased Labour share of the vote - up by 8 percentage points - about a 15% increase.
Perhaps the Try chattering classes and their lackeys in the right wing press have just not seen what is apparent to those of us on the ground - JC is well regarded as an honest man, who is becoming an increasingly effective opposition to a badly out of touch Tory oligarchy.
Let Mikey and his cohorts have their brief and insignificant moment of rejoicing after all they have had little or none since they were thrashed last May.
This was a safe Labour seat anyway, due to the high percentage of Asians, and let's face it, without their Ethnic 'Minority' vote they would have nothing, and after all wasn't that their master plan, when they allowed them all into this country?
Yes. The motion was defeated mainly due to lots non-Tory Lords, and even some Tory Lords, siding with the Labour Party.
If this had happened in the days before reform of the HOL, a Labour achievement by the way, it is unlikely that it could have happened, as the HOL had an in-built Tory majority.
Yes. The motion was defeated mainly due to lots non-Tory Lords, and even some Tory Lords, siding with the Labour Party.
Do you really believe that Mikey? I cannot help think that Gideon is not as dumb as he looks - Do you really think he had no idea he was going to get a huge windfall to bail him out? Much as I would like to believe it I just don't think that is the case
// Have you posted a letter since Royal Mail was privatised? //
er yes and I grequently write cheques and post them - they arrive and get cashed I assure you
yeah yeah I know that 90% of those under 20 have done neither
I said well how do you pay for things if you arent there ?
and got a jesus withering look in return ....
Great result.
A much bigger majority than even Labour predicted, UKIP probably finished in the north
And another non-Corbynite Labour MP at Westminster :-)
When we do the same in the south, I'll start getting really excited
//Police could be called in to investigate alleged fraud at the “bent” Oldham by-election after council staff said some voters in polling booths “had no idea what they were doing there”,//
Oh dear. Who would have thought it. Police investigate! That's another laugh then. Can we have the guys who are nailing FIFA?