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Why Are Some Women So Daft ?

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Canary42 | 21:55 Fri 04th Dec 2015 | News
28 Answers
Guy gets jailed for assaulting his girl friend on three separate occasions.

When he comes out of jail she resumes the relationship and they get engaged. Further assault takes place in the same month they got engaged.

Now he's back in jail for this more serious assault, and she's lucky to be alive.

Will she get back with him again when he gets out this time ?

Answers on a postcard . . . . . . . .


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Ummm has the best answers. I have been in a violent relationship, and after getting put worked within domestic abuse services. There is more to it than the 'I wouldn't put up with that' view, which I shared until I was there. He found me when he knew I was vulnerable, recently divorced, cheated on, with an 11 month old baby, and no family support. Not all violent...
02:09 Sat 05th Dec 2015
This has puzzled me as well, for a long time now. If any partner of mine were to use violence more than once, that would the end of the relationship for sure.
More than once Mikey? For me, were it ever to happen, that would be it.
As advised, especially by those with direct personal experiences – abusive relationships are never as simple as they look for the rational outside. Most people have sufficient self-belief and support to avoid this type of experience. But there will always be inadequate vulnerable women who gravitate towards strong controlling men, and then lack the will or ability to break free.

It is easy for those of us with secure loving relationships to imagine that it is simply a matter of saying no, and walking out, but as described, life in these relationships is never ever that simple.

At least this monster cannot hurt anyone for a long time.
Amen Andy but I think 'inadequate' could be rethought, too judgemental. Unconfident....isolated.....uninformed. We're all inadequate at some point or another.
Canary thanks for that acknowledgement. It's good to see this discussion :)
I think some people, like Mikey, really do not understand how things are, especially when kids are involved.

You get isolated, probably have no control of money, shame and embarrassment has stopped you confiding in anyone and you have small children to think about, their home, their belongings.

Then add to that how these bullies destroy confidence, make you feel worthless etc etc...

Are you suppose to pack your bags, no money, no friends, nowhere to go, take your kids and then what?
To add...these abusers do not always pick convenient times to beat their know, the council offices might be shut!
Mosaic - //Amen Andy but I think 'inadequate' could be rethought, too judgemental. Unconfident....isolated.....uninformed. We're all inadequate at some point or another. //

You are quite right Mosaic - careless writing - withdrawn with sincere apologies to all on the thread.

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