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Escapes A Driving Ban Because He Didn't Understand His Speedometer, What's That All About?

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anotheoldgit | 13:28 Sat 05th Dec 2015 | News
101 Answers

Maybe next time his excuse could be, "I was driving on the wrong side of the road because I forgot we drive on the left in England"?



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/// No need - you just employ somebody else to lie to the court for you ... ///

Didn't even bother to attend the hearing.
LOL^^^..a "messy" case if ever i heard one.
I bet he was ***ting himself when the police stopped him..or nearly so..and did he provide any evidence.
Are we sure that it wasn't actually Ainsley Henry driving?
Has lionel messy been caught, as well, sqad?
shouldn't be driving at all if he can't tell MPH/KPH what a plonker.
If somebody cheats for a living, why is it a surprise that they cheat in their daily life?
good point douglas.
Point of order here.

AOG definitely didn't post this because Yaya is black.

In the same way that he also didn't post any questions about the various pensioners who put our lives at risk by driving the wrong way up motorways.

Yaya is simply incapable of reading numbers, and some old people have difficulty understanding that it's not every other car on a motorway going the wrong way - it's them.

Still - I'd take my chances with Yaya going to fast, rather than an old person barrelling directly towards me.
I guess that his young man can afford a very expensive brief, if he is being paid £210,000 a week.
Many of our honourable magistrates are off their trolley - it's happening all the time, but only occasionally hits the press.

He was gonged at 101mph but his defence claimed his speedo was in kph. In which case it would have been reading 160. So how is this an excuse ?
sp, twice in one post you have referred to 'old' people in a pejorative way, you should be ashamed of yourself.
Let’s steady on a little, chaps and take a step back.

Although not short of a bob or two Mr Toure could have saved himself the expense of a solicitor and he certainly need not have troubled Their Worships with his ridiculous “Miles vs kilometres” nonsense. You would be extremely hard pushed to find a driver with a clean licence, pleading guilty to driving at 101mph, receiving a ban. Sentencing guidelines for speeds between 101mph and 110mph suggest either 6 penalty points or a ban of between 7 and 56 days. This is for a first time offender pleading not guilty.

Mr Toure has a clean licence and pleaded guilty. He was at the very lowest end of the speed range covered by the guideline and there were no aggravating features of the offence (with being a well paid footballer not among those eligible for consideration). He could have pleaded guilty by post. The Bench may have considered disqualification and asked him to attend to explain the effect that would have on him (Magistrates do not disqualify a driver in his absence without warning him of the possibility and giving him the opportunity to attend). But there is almost a 100% likelihood that the Magistrates – even if they were among those “off their trollies” - would have done precisely what this lot did and imposed six points. A case of the Telegraphy egging the pudding of their headline which should really have read “Famous Footballer employs expensive lawyer to ensure he is sentenced entirely in accordance with Magistrates’ Sentencing guidelines”.
NJ...a very full and interesting reply....thanks !


I wish he would go as fast on the pitch...
Maybe Toure was still upset because City didn't send him a birthday card

The rich can afford clever solicitors who can think of clever excuses which judges believe

Alex Ferguson 'desperately needing the toilet' as his excuse for driving along the Hard Shoulder on a congested motorway springs to mind
/Yaya is simply incapable of reading numbers, and some old people have difficulty understanding that it's not every other car on a motorway going the wrong way - it's them.

Still - I'd take my chances with Yaya going to fast, rather than an old person barrelling directly towards me. /
^ to SP

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