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How Is France's Nation Front Different To Britain's?

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anotheoldgit | 11:40 Sun 06th Dec 2015 | News
56 Answers

No mention of it being Racist, no it is described as France's far right National Front party, an anti immigration and anti EU party.

Which gives the impression that it is a more acceptable political party than any of our own nationalist parties.

Who's followers are so often described as knuck-draggers, racist, Nazis, fascists, bigots, etc.



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Khandro...What point are you trying but failing to make here ?

Using your figures, if Oldham's population is one quarter "ethnic" then it must follow that three quarters are not !

So why couldn't UKIP pick up some winning votes amongst this remaining three quarters ?

Might the answer be that they are just not popular enough perhaps, just as they aren't in all the other constituencies that they contest ?
Come on then ANOTHEOLDGIT, why is the SNP with fifty-six Westminster MPs and a fifty per cent of the vote in Scotland less politically acceptable than the FN or a party like UKIP which received only 1.6% in Scotland?

You wrote:

UKIP came second, Oldham has a high percentage of ethnic minority communities, there was a high proportion of postal votes.

Need I say more?

Yes please...what are you hinting at exactly?
You know what he's hinting at.
SP....its quite clear what he hinting at ! He is saying that UKIP lost the by-election, because the 25% of voters that are "ethnic" ( Khandros estimate) cheated the system.

But, as I have already asked Khandro, why couldn't UKIP have got more votes from the 75% of electors, that AREN'T "ethnic"

The answer is obvious to most people....UKIP is just not popular enough.
So a logical comparison of two left wing parties in Plaid and the SNP to Front national, a right wing party: youv'e lost the plot of that's what you deem a comparison. Compare them to UKIP, it's about as close as you'll get in the UK.

France and FN want what we all want, a country that's our own, it's what Scotland and Wales want, what large swathes of England wants and what France wants, to resore and protect Frenchness. They will make significant gains
Ninefingers....I see that you are practically brand new, so welcome to the Dragons Den !
It's about fractions and percentages; a quarter is a fixed amount, the turnout is a variable percentage - in this case 60%.- and the lower the turnout the higher will be the proportion of the ethnic votes, given that they all voted labour.
One pollster before the election reported that having asked an Asian woman how she was going to vote, she replied " I don't know, I haven't been told yet" !
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Why wasn't Labour popular enough to win the General Election, which of course you have never got over?

/// Might the answer be that they are just not popular enough perhaps, ///
// What exactly is meant by the perpetual epithet "far right"?// Kh

I am not sure if the poor old bugga ( AOG that is ) knows
He was talking about left wing fascism the other night

I would prefer to seriously debate how is Marine Le Pen's front different to Angela Merkel's ?

well they are both women and both a bit over-fed ( embonpoint I think )....
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All down to the first-past-the-post voting system.

/// One in every seven votes cast in England went to Ukip, and these millions of voters have only one voice in parliament: Douglas Carswell. ///

Votes per seat General Election 2015

SNP 25,970
Conservative (England) 32,900
Labour (England) 39,300
Lib-Dem (England) 349,000

Scottish Conservatives 434,000
Scottish Labour 707,100
Green 1.1 million
UKIP 3.8 million
-- answer removed --
ANOTHEOLDGIT, I am not concerned about the First Past The Post system as it was the preferred method as shown in the referendum.

You said the impression is that Front National is more politically acceptable than the SNP and yet the SNP received half of the votes cast regardless of the number of seats won. If the SNP's policies are unacceptable to voters in Scotland, why such large turnout in their favour?
I don't recall Farage ever complaining about the FPTP system before. Its just sour grapes...he was defeated, plain and simple.
AOG (16:02) .......Labour was popular enough to win 232 seats at the GE....UKIP went into the GE with 2 seats and managed to lose who is really unpopular...Labour or UKIP ?
Thanks Ed !
This just flashed up on the Bbc

National Front 'make gains' in regional elections
If you are Welsh, Scots, Irish, French, American, Australian, Argentinian, etc. etc. being of a nationalist tendency is to be admired, encouraged even. If you are English it obviously means you are a bigoted Nazi. Until the English people are again ready to take command of their own language and use it, it will be thus.
The French are natural racists,that is why Le FN appeals to them. A rural friend of ours here in France thinks that our village which is only 10 Km from him is a hotbed of North African fundamentalism. In reality we have about 10 'Arabs' ie 1% of the population only 1 of whom goes to the mosque every Friday.
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The French are natural racists

I think you are confusing Racism to Nationalism.

Understandable really when there are some who are prepared to hand over their heritage, their culture, even the very name England, all in the quest to open it's door to others who have not contributed to the success and position that this country once held .

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