AOG - //andy-hughes
/// I think, since everything Mr Trump says appears to be conjured from a mind that is set on upsetting the maximum number of people for the minimum political gain, he should simply be ignored. ///
"Minimum political gain" ???? He hasn't done too bad so far //
Mr Trump's campaign will not succeed in gaining him the Republican nomination - the Right Wing of America may have some seriously dubious ideas, but they are not stupid. He was, and remains unelectable.
/// in order to understand irony, you need a sense of humour. ///
/// Although, considering his hair ... ///
Tut, Tut personal rudeness again. //
"Tut tut"??? have we woken up in 1957??
I can see that my attempts at a little mild humour completely fail to reach you AOG.
So let's just take it as read that I am not being serious, Mr Trump is unlikely to read my comment, much less be upset by it.
And in future, let's also take it as read that I am exercising my sense of humour, of which you don't approve, so that will save you the tedious task of tutting at me, and me the tedious task of confirming that I am not at all bothered if you don't like my light-hearted observations.