Islamophobic Attack On Muslim Woman, On A London Bus. in The AnswerBank: News
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Islamophobic Attack On Muslim Woman, On A London Bus.

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anotheoldgit | 11:23 Wed 16th Dec 2015 | News
130 Answers

/// Muslim woman in hijab kicked backwards off a bus to the floor. "This isn’t b***** Africa," they said. ///

What a very strange thing for these thugs to say.

/// Officers have today released CCTV photographs of two female suspects, who were believed to be in their twenties, following the attack on October 28. ///

Why have the police taken so long to release the CCTV footage?

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"Why have the police taken so long to release the CCTV footage? " They've been busy! :-) "...they do not consider that Blacks can also be racist until it is pointed out. It is obviously not the monopoly of the Whites." It most certainly is not. In fact in the UK (and across the rest of the world) I would say that racism is far more prevalent between dark skinned...
12:30 Wed 16th Dec 2015
AOG, //"Who's side can we take on this one"? I hear them ask, //

You're hearing things.
I agree with Jack to a point , these questions are often worded with a lead in, a sort of tempter to begin the monotonous 'what do you mean by x,y,z?'

I used to fall for it until one day the OP wrote 'Another good day's fishing' - I don;t fall for it now, but answer what I perceive to be the nub of the story as linked.
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/// It wouldn't be if you thought about what you were saying before you put finger to key. Think about it. ///

Don't tell me they have got to you?

I don't need anyone to tell me what to think before I 'put finger to key', least of all from you, who is not 'backward in coming forward' in typing your thoughts on certain matters.
AOG, who are 'they' who you think has 'got to' me? No, I'm not backward in coming forward, but unlike you I think about the rationality of what I'm saying before I say it.
Well it's hardly surprising and the underlying fault lies with the right-on PC Brigade who are forcing people to bottle their anger and views until it reaches an explosive level.

I'm not condoning their action but perhaps it might be a wakeup call to the liberal left who insist on not facing up to the Islamic and migrant issue. If you dont you will be finding more of these attacks couple with others who wont do this sort of thing but still feel aggrieved moving to the far right groups.

But I wont hold my brath.
"Why have the police taken so long to release the CCTV footage? "

They've been busy! :-)

"...they do not consider that Blacks can also be racist until it is pointed out. It is obviously not the monopoly of the Whites."

It most certainly is not. In fact in the UK (and across the rest of the world) I would say that racism is far more prevalent between dark skinned people than it is between white people and darker people.

Indians despise people from the adjacent country which was formed in 1947 to accommodate Muslims (don't think its name will pass muster with the censor). Thir hatred of each other is fairly mutual. Africans hate Caribbeans. Most Caribbean islanders hate people from other islands in the same area. Somalis seem to dislike most of the people from other countries in East Africa. Those from Ghana have an almost pathological hatred of Nigerians. Most black people in the UK have no time for Asians (or for each other if they originate from the wrong part of the world). The list is endless. All this is before you consider the religious and tribal hatred that is endemic in many parts. By comparison most white people are beacons of tolerance and understanding.
ymfb , whilst you have not condoned this action you think these two violent women were driven to attack another woman through pent up anger??

Might they not just be intolerant violent women?
Numbskulls would be more appropriate.
If they were alone that might be the case. Bit the number has tripled since Paris, therefore it is reasonable to deduce there is an underlying problem.

Or are you suggesting there is no underlying problem from these attacks?
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/// The attack has been roundly condemned by all those who have commented. ///

No it is you who has made that up, the first three mentioned it, the rest of the posts (except those of Retrocop) have been attacks on my decision to put "What a very strange thing for these thugs to say".

I can see no correlation between the attacks in Paris or anywhere or concern at the way the country is heading that in any way justifies attacking people on public transport.

If they wish to change things maybe approach it more sensibly, stand for parliament, lobby their MP - but attack?

Well, surely you find that acceptable?
Otherwise why would you have included it in your OP?

You could have posted the link to the article and allowed people to criticise these two thugs but you preferred to add in a comment which you knew would provoke the response you really wanted.

Don't complain when you get exactly what you want...
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/// but unlike you I think about the rationality of what I'm saying before I say it. ///

Try telling that to your opponents. but please do not include me as one of your opponents, because up to today I have agreed with much of what you have to say.
Mam, you are assuming the whole population is intelligent and knows the procedure.

Unfortuntaltey you couldn't be further from the truth. This is why people lash out. No it's not the 'correct' way to go about things for most of us but for them it is.
youngmafbog, I've no doubt that what is happening in the world is the motive behind this attack. Nevertheless, the attack is a mindless one.

AOG, //they themselves are black, so presumable their ancestors came from Africa, so what right had those two to tell their victim to go back to Africa. //

You appear to think that regardless of their ancestry, because these people are black they don't belong here and therefore they had no right to tell this woman to go back to where she came from. That's the long and short of it.
That is precisely why I wrote in my first response that I hope these two are caught.
Naomi, I have never said it is anything but.

However since this is not isolated and indeed is increasing dont you think we should look at the cause as well as the symptom if we wish it to stop?
In her (famous) Luton film, the sainted Stacey Dooly joined two women and wore the hijab for a day during which she received many aggressive remarks and obscenities. I think it is something to do with the hijab which some find provocative, Muslim women dressed more western conventionally don't seem to get abused in this way.
youngmafbog, yes I do. Rather than acknowledge the cause, we tend to ignore it.
I do find it odd that when the Chelsea football thugs violently repulsed a Black man getting on the Paris metro there was,rightly, people here howling post after post about these despicable white thugs. That post went on for ages and is still referred to.
Here we have a post that demonstrates violence on a British Transport bus.
This is the third different post in as many months regarding black violent racism and intolerance in this country.
All I see now is a query why Mr aog stated ,"What a very strange thing for these thugs to say"
You will condemn these attacks,you will call the assailants thugs but some of you find it very difficult to acknowledge that these are black on black attacks yet again but you want to skirt around the issue and claim ignorance as to why Mr aog made that extra statement.
You can see it for what it is but you seem uncomfortable acknowledging that this behaviour is not just the domain of the EDL, BNP, or Football supporters.

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