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Run And Let Everyone Else Die Or Confront For The Least Loss Of Life

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ukanonymous | 12:54 Fri 18th Dec 2015 | News
71 Answers

So as the terrorists need to reload then why do people run and hide so have the least loss of life? Surely if people were taught to attack as opposed to run they would be able to take out the gunmen first with out causing too much loss.

Lets say in the paris attack in the musica place. The terrorists had an AK47 with a standard 30 rounds with an average of 5 rounds per life taken you could escape with 6 deaths in there per person pending if they wore suicide vests or not.

Yes its easy to go hide and wait I mean its instinct but if we went against instinct we could reduce the deaths potentially.

What do you think on this advice given?


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American advice ( no ref ) is attack or die ! You see usually when you are being mugged or robbed - you give up your wallet and co operated and the mugger co-operated by letting you go - This is a social interaction governed by rules everyone knows For a terrorist attack the idea is to kill [us] - cowering will not work - nor even shouning la adrabni, ana Brittanee (...
22:55 Fri 18th Dec 2015
Did I read somewhere that our Armed Police have been handing their 'tickets' in, in the light of recent events.
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give up.
This one svejk?
Oh I think Baldric is better trained than that, and would shoot first and explain later. If at all. LOL
If you had Baldric on your case it would,I believe,be very bad for your health. I believe he was a small arms instructor with Royal Marine Commando cadre. If he fired a handgun I am sure he would hit what he was aiming at. ? :-)
If he missed then the F.S. never runs out of bullets.
Mine was Captain Mainwaring saying, 'You stupid boy'.
I think that what uka. hints at is, do we need to be seriously thinking about a civil training programme to train and educate the public in the ways and strategies that are best utilised should the need arise. This would of course have to include our schoolchildren and all sections of society. One of the lessons would have to be the recognition of potential terrorist activists and how they can be differentiated from unlikely threats................. Instead lets all adopt collective denial.
Did I read somewhere that our Armed Police have been handing their 'tickets' in, in the light of recent events.//

That might of been me suggesting on another Op that it happened on a previous police/incident where a toerag was despatched by lawful and lethal means. The officer concerned was given so much grief by his Lords and Masters before the incident had been investigated and concluded that many officers handed in their pink cards in disgust. They all know they will be questioned,investigated and account for their actions in a Coroners court and God forbid a criminal court should they have transgressed. That is not the point. To find a officer guilty before proven innocent just to placate a group of scum bags who howl murder is wrong.
You stupid boy.
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andy-hughes I thought you were better than that comment but hey everyone fails sometimes. What I cant understand is if everyone went for the gunman armed or not there would be less deaths full stop. This is against human instinct but then again so is hiding and letting everyone else die. Well it is for me anyway. I have put myself in harms way over strangers before and this is what I consider normal. I can understand running because you are scared too but I am questioning if it is the best advice in order to reduce the loss of life. I am no more important or significant than anyone I meet and I try not to judge people based on the fact they are related to me or not. This world we liv e in is for everyone I dont really tend to take sides.
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I mean the advice is to run and protect yourself. Run alone to protect yourself. Stand alone and be conquered. Its just another governmental lame ass way to get us all looking out for number 1 and distancing ourselves from each other. Its the rubbish that has been brainwashed into us from youth. As if you reading this is anymore important than anyone else in this word. They in power like you to think you are so they can control you like slaves.
Anyway Im goin to see something great tonight. have a nice evening

I see the Neighbours dog has been let out again to carp everywhere unsupervised
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oh well. If it barks too loud follow the white rabbit

It was barking too loud @ 18:22 ^^^
The last two lines of my 20:05 post disappeared after initially being there. Weird.
No. Not at all. I didn't instruct. I listened to those who knew what they were talking about . Try it some time you learn a lot.
Tell us. I am sure I am not alone in wanting to find out what feats of derring do and tactical strategy you are capable of in these situations.
Please enlighten me what you would do. I am always ready to listen. :-)

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