News2 mins ago
Why This Smokescreen ?
Why are the True Blues so persistently relentless with their mocking and smearing of Jeremy Corbyn ?
Even with over four years to go before the next Election, can it be that they believe that the present Government's appalling record needs this constant smokescreen.
Even with over four years to go before the next Election, can it be that they believe that the present Government's appalling record needs this constant smokescreen.
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You could equally ask why Jezza persistently offers himself up as an Aunt Sally.
If he appears a naive idealist with his head in the clouds then the opposition are bound to capitalise on his weakness and demonstrate the alternative to the electorate. An opportunity to score points if you will.
You could equally ask why Jezza persistently offers himself up as an Aunt Sally.
If he appears a naive idealist with his head in the clouds then the opposition are bound to capitalise on his weakness and demonstrate the alternative to the electorate. An opportunity to score points if you will.
Financially appalling for a start, if after over 5 years of Conservative 'austerity' you are still able to add up:
http:// www.ukp ublicsp ending. k_natio nal_deb t_chart .html
http:// www.the guardia usiness /2015/n ov/20/w orst-uk -defici t-figur es-six- years-g eorge-o sborne
Canary42, think of rote learning (indoctrination of the memory) by constant repetition, and their ploy is obvious.
Canary42, think of rote learning (indoctrination of the memory) by constant repetition, and their ploy is obvious.
Here is further rejecting of their 'appalling' agenda by another 'canary' -
"Nine humiliating Tory defeats you might have missed this week"
http:// www.the canary. co/2016 /01/29/ 9-humil iating- tory-de feats-m ight-mi ssed-we ek/
"Nine humiliating Tory defeats you might have missed this week"
Kerry Anne Mendoza Editor in chief. Currently banned from joining Corbyns new labour.
http:// newint. org/con tributo rs/kerr y-anne- mendoza /
Nancy W Mendoza Editor
http:// www.the canary. co/auth or/nanc y/
Helena Quartey Editor Health and 'Wellness'//I have a particular interest in influencer relations, and also in social platform governance//
Drew Rose Editor
Odd bunch believe me.
Nancy W Mendoza Editor
Helena Quartey Editor Health and 'Wellness'//I have a particular interest in influencer relations, and also in social platform governance//
Drew Rose Editor
Odd bunch believe me.
//Each contributor / editor is paid based on the percentage of web traffic their articles generate during a given calendar month. It’s as simple as that.//
Ergo the more contentious and outrageous the ramblings......the more 'web traffic' =more dosh for the scribler.
http:// www.the canary. co/valu es/
Ergo the more contentious and outrageous the ramblings......the more 'web traffic' =more dosh for the scribler.
Our Editor-in-Chief, Kerry-anne Mendoza says:
“My audience at Scriptonite Daily have been amazing – they even funded me to report from Gaza in 2014 – and I want to be able to bring them more content that speaks to their hunger for better and more truthful reporting.”
Truthful reporting. From Gaza?
“My audience at Scriptonite Daily have been amazing – they even funded me to report from Gaza in 2014 – and I want to be able to bring them more content that speaks to their hunger for better and more truthful reporting.”
Truthful reporting. From Gaza?