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Remember Smithy? 1P?

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ToraToraTora | 16:54 Tue 02nd Feb 2016 | News
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I thought they had money coming out of their ears and could afford to live without 'us'? Or was that the SNP, Or Just Nicola Crankey.....or all of the above?
Yup, the lying bore party always had a knack of coming up with vote winning policies...seems theyre onto another winner
Yep, Scottish oil Zacs, they will be fine without us, I'm guessing all the free prescriptions have to come from somewhere.

Webbo >> "Yep, Scottish oil Zacs, they will be fine without us, I'm guessing all the free prescriptions have to come from somewhere."

Free prescriptions are nice but if we are getting them what area of the NHS is being short funded. To get an NHS that meets our need we have to pay into the system.

Zac I don't think anybody up here has said we have money coming out our ears not the people you suggest any way. we do not to bad up here, but Westminster takes it and give us a some of it back.
Over all I wouldn't say I was any better off up here than I would be if I stayed south of the border. some things are better up here some things are better down south
Is this since the oil price slump Steg?
An oil price slump.... Omg .. Just as well it looks like there will be a bumper haggis harvest this year
Ahhh. Just too late for burns night. How can ye hae any puddin if ye don't eat yer meat!

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