The opinions of populations do not matter one iota in terms of the effects of the UK leaving the EU - or not - it is down to the trading companies that do business with the UK.
I have opined many times that membership of a trade organisation need not be a help, or hindrance in terms of trade, the question is the volume, and the price, it all begins and ends there.
If our prices and ability to supply customers are competitive enough, then the UK is in business, and that applies whether we are in the EU or the Micky Mouse Club.
The agendas of politicians with personal and financial interests in trade agreements should not influence the referendum in the slightest.
Cameron has painted himself into a corner and is now suffering the double hubris of having over-estimated his ability to chuck his weight about in the EU and be taken notice of, and his personal popularity and belief that the UK electorate take him seriously and believe him when he scare-mongers.
We are heading out of the EU - and not before time.