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Bradford Sport: Throwing Colour-Coded Kittens To Dogs

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naomi24 | 06:01 Thu 28th Apr 2016 | News
49 Answers
//A YORKSHIRE animal sanctuary has revealed details of a barbaric “sport” in which kittens are “colour coded” with marker pens and then thrown to packs of savage dogs.//

Does anyone know anything about this disgusting ‘sport’, and is it confined to Bradford? I’ve never heard of it.


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Jim, I don't see how it's been blown out of proportion. What is 'proportionately' acceptable?
Well, if the stuff about being thrown to the dogs is wrong then the story has been exaggerated from colouring cats with a highlighter, surely? I don't think that's appropriate either, but clearly it's nowhere near as hideous as tossing an animal to its messy death.

All depends on whether the bit about the savage dogs is true.
What Ms Lloyd is reported as saying in the Bradford Telegraph & Argus is contrary to what she is reported as saying in the Yorkshire Post.
We need more evidence about the dogs bit here....there seems too little around at the moment.
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Jim, it's been reported in several areas of the media and Sanctuary owner Katie Lloyd said: “This is not just a couple of idiots colouring in kittens. This is serious barbaric cruelty. “If these kittens were not rescued I am sure they would have been dead within an hour of two.”

Why do you think it's not happening?

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Why on earth does anyone think this is made up?
I was going on dannyk's post where the dog part of the story was, apparently, described as untrue. I don't know if it is or not. I can believe it would be true. I gave up disbelieving, at least as "too outrageous", any story about animal cruelty once I discovered the 18th century sport of "fox tossing" a couple of weeks ago, which involved seeing how high you could fling an animal into the air.

When it comes to animals, human sickness appears to know no bounds.
Naomi, please check my post at 08.10 as to what Ms Lloyd is reported as saying.Also looking at the kittens pictures it looks to me more like some hooligan would do, they are not just striped as all would be needed for identification but had their faces painted.
Jim...and towards each other.
Nothing in the Sky report about dogs.
There seems to be a lack of evidence about the dogs. I am not saying that it didn't happen but we need some clarification here.
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Thanks Danny/Khandro. If it's not true, I wonder where this idea came from? One of the reports mentions a dog so perhaps it's just one barbarian's idea of sport and not a group exercise at all.
ypungmafbog - // ...we are a country of animal lovers!//

But sadly, if society's behaviour is reflective - we are not a country of child lovers!
Not so much the colour coding aspect, but dog baiting is on the increase UK wide.

In the past 2 years I have noticed that there have been several cases in Northern Ireland and Ireland regarding dog baiting with other dogs and kittens.
I don't understand why they would go to the trouble of virtually colouring in the whole kitten. Why not just a mark on the head? That makes me think that the purpose was not the suspected baiting,but the "fun" of colouring a cat. Whatever the reasons, it's sick.
The cats would be coloured in case both heads were bitten off, Pastafreak, easier ID for all concerned (moggies excepted).
I am dubious about the notion of going to the considerable time and trouble of multi-colouring a kitten for the advised purpose of identifying one from another in a fight.

Kittens would not fight each other, and a 'fight' with a savage dog would last about 1.5 seconds, hardly worth the effort of deciding which kitten is which.

Obviously colouring kittens is going on for some barbaric reason, but I doubt it is for identification in a fight.
I tried to write what I thought of the monsters who think that hurting animals (or children) is 'fun'.

But it would have been along the lines of ******* ****** etc. so I gave up.

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