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Sadiq Khan ...

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-Talbot- | 12:08 Sat 07th May 2016 | News
86 Answers
I have no interest in London but I would like Sadiq to never again speak in front of segregated audiences. That would make me respect him.

Anything any ABers you would like to add?


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Will cause a huge outcry here on AB. Mikey, you are not that important. No one is.
More chance of buses running on time & hope he wipes out congestion charges
"Will cause a huge outcry here on AB. Mikey, you are not that important."

oh no, dont burst his little bubble
I always know when people have lost the debate, as they bring out the same inane, childish insults that they always do !

Perhaps we should instigate a new Junior AB !
Mikey, You bring it on yourself.
Naomi...we often disagree but you normally debate in a sensible way. The people I am talking about don't debate at all....just sling insults, most of them inane and childish.

But I will not be changing my political standpoint to please you or them, as I expect you won't either.
Mikey, no one is asking you, or expecting you, to change your political allegiance, but those you're accusing of slinging childish insults are not alone. Only this morning you asked AOG if he'd taken his medication or something like that. Not nice. You have no room for complaint.
I have never bothered to check because it doesn't effect me, but exactly how much power does the London Mayor have? Is it a dictatorship?
Boris was recently attacked because he allowed too many new high-rise buildings to mar the London skyline. Is the mayor answerable to no one?
Could he for example, alone allow the proposed building of a mosque 3x larger than St Pauls, which was turned down, to proceed?
n. Thanks, I like, " Before finalising his or her major strategies the Mayor must consult with Londoners and their elected representatives on the London Assembly." but I hope that is how it works.
"Mikey, no one is asking you, or expecting you, to change your political allegiance, but those you're accusing of slinging childish insults are not alone. Only this morning you asked AOG if he'd taken his medication or something like that. Not nice. You have no room for complaint. "

poor old mikey really dont have a clue do you, you still think its about scoring points , winning and do you eat with youre feet permanently jammed in your mouth ?

let me guess, you think youre a bit of a name down your local, always going on about how you claim to win arguments on a website forum...hilarious
> let me guess, you think youre a bit of a name down your local...

But how many people can claim, like Mikey, that he played and beat Bonnie Tyler at a game of squash? Surely, a talking point?

Always wondered what 'It's An Earache' was all about.
Mikey has his hobby horses: EDL, Britain First, UKIP, Paedophiles, the Labour Party. Without these he would be relatively taciturn. forgot some !

All religions, especially born-again Christianity, and especially the sects that say that the Grand Canyon is only 6000 years old.

JW's, in not included above.

People fiddling and interfering with the bloody BBC.

Americans obsession with guns, and their "right" to kill each other with gay abandon.

Cruelty to animals and children, in no particular order.

Bloodsports, in not included above.

Opera (!)


And many, many more ! be honest, I had forgotten all about was a long time ago after all !

Anyway, we treat our local Celebs with a relaxed sense of importance here in Swansea, although we revere Dylan Thomas of course.

But Bobby was a awesome judoka, especially to a young lad like me.
A hero for our Club, without doubt. I always refer to Bonny as the wife of Bobby Sullivan, rather than the other way round.
agchristie....I have just remembered that Bobbys cousin, Paul was a good friend of mine, when we joined GP Telephone together at age 16.

Sorry about all the reminiscences !

/// Mikey has his hobby horses: EDL, Britain First, UKIP, Paedophiles, the Labour Party. Without these he would be relatively
taciturn. ///

"Paedophiles" but rather silent regarding those who happen to be of Asian origin.

/// I always refer to Bonny as the wife of Bobby Sullivan, rather than the other way round. ///

Spoken like a true supporter of female equality.
AOG....Bobby was famous long before he met Bonny.

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