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Boiling Water Poured On Sevenoaks Couple In 'horrendous' Burglary

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mikey4444 | 13:15 Sat 07th May 2016 | News
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Its not often I am stuck for words but .......


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Bigbad....I wouldn't like to see anybody banned from AB, although a short period in the sinbin would do any harm for some ( and I don't mean you ! )

Persistent offences are another thing of course. Its up to Ed to decide.
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TTT...where the ruddy hell have you been until now (!)

As I understand, some very serious crimes have been perpetrated by this gang, and its not easy to see how a non-custodial sentence could be passed, if they were charged and convicted.

I am thinking that maybe GBH could be a charge ?

Maybe NJ could enlighten us ?
they'd get 10 just for the burglary if it was up to me, and they would do 10 too.
It's not decriminalising burglary that makes people do this though it's a totally sick upbringing without set boundaries.
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Not sure when burglary became decriminalised ?

The Police not being bothered enough to investigate is not the same as decriminalising surely ?
I picked the word from TTT's post. I guess he means the lighter sentences or no sentences.
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Prudie...perhaps he did, and if he did, I won't argue with him.
"It's not decriminalising burglary that makes people do this though it's a totally sick upbringing without set boundaries. " - perhaps but if they where in jail they'd not be doing it. This ain't a first offence.
"Not sure when burglary became decriminalised ? " - when it takes 635 offences before a beak slings the culprit in jail mikey.
Sometimes when I read of crimes like this, I wonder if these people have any hearts/souls or if its the drugs.

I often watch police programmes on TV, and I am amazed at some of the sentencing that people get for serious crimes, which are caught on camera and obviously guilty, but only get a suspended sentence, so many hours community work, a small fine, and in some cases, freed because not enough evidence.

This was typical of the two programmes I watched this week, ''24 Hours in Custody, and The Force in Manchester.

I'm sure some of the police must be banging their heads against the wall when they see them get a light sentence, or it squashed.

I hope these *** are caught, and given a long sentence to suit this terrible crime.
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I have no idea where you get the figure of 635 from, but if its true, then its not acceptable in any way.

As I understand it, this bloody horrendous offence may result in other charges should be brought. I have suggested GBH but as I am not an expert I may be wrong. But its unlikely that Burglary will be the only charge that will be brought to bear.
just plucked a number Mikey, I'm referring to those cases we often hear about where some lowlife has done hundreds of burglaries but still manages to avoid jail. It was not meant to refer to an actual case.
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I understand TTT ! It was used rhetorically, and there's nothing wrong with that. All grist to the Mill.
Usually 'Aggravated Burglary' would be considered I believe nowadays.
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Not GBH Retro ? I am surprised.


Aggravated burglary.


A person is guilty of aggravated burglary if he commits any burglary and at the time has with him any firearm or imitation firearm, any weapon of offence, or any explosive; and for this purpose—


“firearm” includes an airgun or air pistol, and “imitation firearm” means anything which has the appearance of being a firearm, whether capable of being discharged or not; and


“weapon of offence” means any article made or adapted for use for causing injury to or incapacitating a person, or intended by the person having it with him for such use; and


“explosive” means any article manufactured for the purpose of producing a practical effect by explosion, or intended by the person having it with him for that purpose.


A person guilty of aggravated burglary shall on conviction on indictment be liable to imprisonment for life.//
Aggravated Burglary has a maximum of Life imprisonment. That's pretty serious !!!
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This rather implies that the offence is to carry a weapon, but in the case in question, actual torture and bodily harm was done to the victims.
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Retro...crossed in the post !

Where is NJ when we need him !
(a) The men carried knives and threatened the couple.
(b) They were seriously assaulted and injured using boiling water in some utensil (kettle or whatever). That is the weapon of offense that has been adapted from it's original use to cause harm or injury.
The ingredients are there to be seen.
Read b of Sec 10 again'ANY ARTICLE USED OR ADAPTED to cause injury

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