Quizzes & Puzzles1 min ago
Enoch Powell Had A Point
Yes integration is the key (though the solution - long since passed - would have been to restrict the numbers coming here to more reasonable levels). However the UK has long since missed the boat on encouraging integration. It is only recently, since the likes of Mr Phillips began saying so, that the country has accepted that a common culture is required and...
09:44 Tue 10th May 2016
Yes integration is the key (though the solution - long since passed - would have been to restrict the numbers coming here to more reasonable levels). However the UK has long since missed the boat on encouraging integration. It is only recently, since the likes of Mr Phillips began saying so, that the country has accepted that a common culture is required and that isolationism among some cultures was rife. Before then anybody who suggested such a thing was holed down as a racist. The countr actively encouraged newcomers to behave in exactly the same way as they did in the cesspits that they left. They called it "muticulturalism". Well now we were reaping the rewards of that strategy and vast swathes of the country are given over to people with cultures totally alien to the majority. Mr Phillips is incorrect. Britain is not sleepwalking towards catastrophe. It has purposefully walked - wide awake - towards it. The people who were awake to it were howled down and those, if any, that were in a position to do something about it did nothing because they knew best and everybody else was racist.
^ There is no such thing as 'multiculturalism' it exists nowhere in the world, the word should be abolished from the language and the word 'multi-racial' should be used in its place.
It is the very word itself which has created such a great deal of misunderstanding. The first time I heard it used was by Michael Foot (wouldn't you guess?) and he was cheered by his surrounding wooly-hatted admirers.
It is the very word itself which has created such a great deal of misunderstanding. The first time I heard it used was by Michael Foot (wouldn't you guess?) and he was cheered by his surrounding wooly-hatted admirers.
When Enoch Powell made that speech he couldn’t have envisaged the true future of immigration into this country. At the time I believe colour was more of an issue with the general public than it is now, but that has changed to a great degree. Now the issue is culture – the culture of Islam. The problems and the burgeoning resentment that this country is now experiencing don’t emanate from the arrival of Hindus or Buddhists or Sikhs, or from Christians from the Caribbean and elsewhere - it emanates from the arrival of Islam – and unless we acknowledge that frankly and stop pussyfooting around ‘cultural’ sensibilities, Enoch’s prophecy will come to stark fruition.
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I remember being one of the people who laughed at EP and everything he said. Wow, did I get all that wrong. Everything he said has come true and I regret, very much, that I thought he was a biased old buffoon at the time. He was a true patriotic Brit and we should all wake up to his words before it's waaaayyyyy too late.
Naomi > and unless we acknowledge that frankly and stop pussyfooting around ‘cultural’ sensibilities, Enoch’s prophecy will come to stark fruition.
Yes, plenty of people out there who need to turn their hearing aids up or in some cases a hammer and chisel is required.
Too many with 7" vinyl brains, we need more EP' s....
Yes, plenty of people out there who need to turn their hearing aids up or in some cases a hammer and chisel is required.
Too many with 7" vinyl brains, we need more EP' s....
Powell was arguably the greatest intellectual politician of the century, he was awarded a double starred first in Latin and Greek at Cambridge, this grade is the best possible degree and extremely rare. He learnt Urdu as well as many other languages (including Welsh!).
He knew the Indian subcontinent well - and one of the few people to understand the difference at that time between Sunnis and Shias and how, if they can't get along elsewhere, they're sure not going to get along in Britain.
He knew the Indian subcontinent well - and one of the few people to understand the difference at that time between Sunnis and Shias and how, if they can't get along elsewhere, they're sure not going to get along in Britain.
Well, you all know what to do to make a change.
Ballot box > UKIP or BNP of BF.
None of the big parties are going to change substantially - it just won't happen ever.
Therefore, your only hope is to put you X next to the candidate who will promise a complete halt to all further immigration from Muslim countries, together with the forceful repatriation of Muslims already here.
How many of you are politically active?
How many of you fund the BNP of BF?
These are the parties who you need to support...at a grassroots level.
Apart from highlighting the issues on AB...does anyone actually *do* anything?
Ballot box > UKIP or BNP of BF.
None of the big parties are going to change substantially - it just won't happen ever.
Therefore, your only hope is to put you X next to the candidate who will promise a complete halt to all further immigration from Muslim countries, together with the forceful repatriation of Muslims already here.
How many of you are politically active?
How many of you fund the BNP of BF?
These are the parties who you need to support...at a grassroots level.
Apart from highlighting the issues on AB...does anyone actually *do* anything?
How many of you are politically active?
How many of you fund the BNP of BF?
These are the parties who you need to support...at a grassroots level.
Apart from highlighting the issues on AB...does anyone actually *do* anything?
I haven't funded any political party never have and never will.
Do I do anything ... yep I do some things like I donated to this https:/ /www.go fundme. com/sup portfor mrshah probably not what you were looking for but there it is ... did you donate to it, sp?
How many of you are politically active?
How many of you fund the BNP of BF?
These are the parties who you need to support...at a grassroots level.
Apart from highlighting the issues on AB...does anyone actually *do* anything?
I haven't funded any political party never have and never will.
Do I do anything ... yep I do some things like I donated to this https:/