I Have Emphysema in The AnswerBank: Health & Fitness
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I Have Emphysema

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rosebud1969 | 12:42 Fri 13th May 2016 | Health & Fitness
6 Answers
i have Emphysema i am 47 and have pain in my lungs i dont get much help wear i live is heard for me i get days wear i just cry i all so get bad head pains there so bad they make me cry Can enyone please tell me if they get all the pains i am getting with my Emphysema thank you and god bless you all
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here are quite a few support groups on line that might be nore help than this forum, such as this:

good luck.
Hi Rose,

I am over 20yrs older than you, and I have had COPD for over 3 years, and only yesterday I was at Papworth Hospital all day having, breathing test, X-Rays, blood test & a heart echo sound.

What medicines are you on, inhalers etc, and why cant you get help where you live?

What country are you in? Answerbank members would normally suggest you see your local GP, because a lot of regulars are in the UK and there is no charge to see the doctor, unless you're not a UK citizen.

I can understand you having some "tightness" in your chest, but we certainly cannot blame your emphysema for the pain that you describe.

As a sideline.......what is your question got to do with "Adverts?"
she only joined today Sqad so doesn't know the system yet.
JJ^^^ yes the system is a bit "mystifying."

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