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Should Dave Be Going To Gib?

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ToraToraTora | 16:06 Thu 16th Jun 2016 | News
24 Answers
No doubt he's going try and scare the bejesus out them by some sort of "threat" but surely the status of Gib is not an issue here is it?


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naomi, I was astounded to see a post saying '' but surely the status of Gib is not an issue here is it?''
Just highlights the ignorance of some 'Leave' supporters who are unaware of the issues and of the consequences of a 'Leave' vote.
If we vote 'Leave' the status of Gibraltar is yet another issue that will require long and difficult negotiation with no certainty of a good outcome.
TTT , Your ignorance is showing again ! Gibraltar is British overseas territory, and as such it's citizens have the right to vote on the future of Great Britain.
Gibralta is part of the SOuthwest England Constituency, and votes in The European Elections and therefore has MEPs.

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when I went there in 2008 they still imposed the old duty free limits of 200cigs etc so from that I deduced that they must be outside the EU.
Gibraltar are in the EU, but are outside the customs union.

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Should Dave Be Going To Gib?

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