Yes, naomi, I've largely held my powder dry, largely because of the acerbic and often personal comments plastered all over AB on this subject (it's not necessary)....and can I be personal, your criticism of ummmm earlier was very unfair...she has a vote, as you do. Period. Hope you apologise to her.
I think Naomi's response was very restrained, considering what mine would have been, were I not too old to sit on the naughty step which plays havoc with my haemorrhoids.
A perfectly reasonable response by Naomi and not rude at all. I can only think that DTC has not read Ummmm's post saying she is not voting because she feels she is not educated enough on the matter, for him to make that statement.
DTC, you have just accused me of being condescending and arrogant - and that because you objected to a perfectly legitimate question I asked someone else - and which was nothing to do with you anyway - and I'm rude? I don't think so. Despite your best efforts you don't impress me, but that's your failing, not mine. Try the more gullible.
DTC; //I'm also adding that the EU is far from perfect but change from within using some decent politicians than what we have sent over there. //
Nigel Farage is an extremely able and vocal politician, one of the best, fearless in the face of the mind-boggling awfulness of the EU.
Have you not seen how he stands up for Britain on the many youtubes which abound? and even he can not make any headway into that morass and neither did Cameron.
The EU commission is impossible to "change from within".
I would not describe Farage as an A-lister for EU politics....I shall leave it that.
As to naomi, I wouldn't expect anything less. We will continue to butt heads and disagree. I shall take great pleasure on Friday morning and may even raise a gloating 'Well, you have been well and truly..........naomi. Going to put a barrel of gunpower under democracy?'
jambutty, come off it, NF is a PSW.....public school and not wet for the W, though he may well be frequently given his considerable ability to play with himself.