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Svejk | 23:26 Thu 23rd Jun 2016 | News
135 Answers
It's all going our way big time. (leave)


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Somewhat premature
23:33 Thu 23rd Jun 2016
I'm watching this in New York. I'm surprised I can access bbc live online without a VPN. I think I'm going to go down to the drugstore and buy a giant can of Bud and make a night of it - it's quite exciting
Got up for a pee to find this. Now I daren't go back to bed.
Shame on Newcastle, although the vote was very tight. Respect for the Mackems, I shall never take the mickey out of them again.
i'm loving it ......... great TV.
Swansea Leave ... bigots!
That's the funny bit. Every one thought that Wales was a definite REMAIN. Seems not.
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Leave favourite with the bookies now.
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The Remainers were very invested in being favourites. Never shut up about it.
Is it too late to get a bet on?
Couldn't sleep. Fed up tossing and turning, so got up and put the telly on.
I know there is a long way to go, but all these 'leave' results coming in have put a smile on my face.

Surprising results coming in from Wales - Mikey will be gutted!
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You can always bet on the exchanges. But you'd be mad to bet now.
I wonder if David C has written his resignation speech yet.
The Irish results are interesting, they seem to be split along sectarian lines. Green voting IN, Orange voting OUT.
They're saying that the deprived areas are voting Leave so by that note, I wonder if the situation will be reversed when the votes from London and the Home Counties come in
London is a different matter, but the belt from the Humber through Essex to Kent is prime UKIP territory.
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Remain were supposed to be well ahead at this stage.
Yay! Remain is in the lead again. I was feeling a bit down until just now. I wish I didn't have to get up for work in the morning.
Dodgy Dave must be bricking it.
It looks like London is going to swing it for Remain big time
I'm watching the BBC and I don't see Remain in the lead: It's pretty well 50/50, with Leave having a slight edge.

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