Well, Zacs, it was bad enough trying to sell mine. Mr J2 and I met out there - he was widowed, I was divorced. I had a Petite Fermette which I restored (2 Hectares including a wood, but I hit replacement op. and osteoarthritis so upkeep was hard).
'09 I moved in with the chap who is now Mr. J2 and it took 5 years to sell my house; this needed a lot of hard work from 40Km away. Finally sold to an English bloke who has Border Collies, shows and trains and needed space, in Sep.'14. Oh's house has been on the market since about April 2013; nice house, good, big garden, lovely area (L'Isle Jourdain), nice neighbours etc..
We've had, I think 3 viewings (my house I had 32!!) in all that time. The market really has died in France. I say (flippantly) that France is a basket-
case economically, but it really is, it has died in the countryside (most of France), no-one has any money, everyone is pessimistic. That is why the anti-Europe vote has soared - and also the Communist vote. Very few middle-of-the-roaders.
Few French can afford to buy anything - they convert barns for children to live in. If UK is out of the EU then that market virtually dies. Hope that explains it. We had hoped to realise enough for a few holidays etc., with a bit left over for the kids.
Right now, we have written it off except for a drain. To make the best of it we are considering putting in cheap furniture and using it as a holiday home - but we would rather spend the money elsewhere. We're stuck with it, I think. This is a very honest answer Zacs. :)