Okay...you wanted it."
Oh dear, how typical. I was hoping to get some open-mindedness. Unlike you, SP, I could have pointed all of these passages out without having to go to the internet as you surely did. In fact I could have picked out far worse from the Pentateuch, Joshua and Samuel 1&2. You see I've read the Bible. Unlike you. I've also read a lot of the Islamic holy texts. Unlike you. If you'd bothered to attend to my earlier arguments and attempt an honest critique of them, rather than reassert your own ill-founded prejudices in your usual superior manner you would have seen two points - one plainly stated and one implied which anticipate your response.
Let's take Mosaic Law codified in Deuteronomy and Leviticus. The sanction for slavery and punishment for adultery, homosexuality etc. were borrowed form the Torah by Mohammed and incorporated into the Sharia penal code. Now this is the plain point which you were in too much of a rush to listen to. There is only one state which might be called Jewish that I know of, - Israel. Are these Old Testament punishment sanctioned by Israeli law today? Of course not, they've long since been repudiated as inconsistent with human rights. And this despite the fact that the Torah and the OT as a whole are still considered holy books in Judaeism. Now how many Islamic countries have repudiated the same punishments? Well, some. certainly. But by no means all. You personally could be stoned in Saudi Arabia, or hanged in Iran, or maybe lashed in more "liberal" societies. That is because once the Koran is accepted as the literal word of God, and the actions of Mohammed are considered the supreme example of human conduct there remains no easy way of interpreting the savagery away. That is why slavery persisted in the Islamic world well into the 20th century.
The more subtle point. I mentioned when comparing Jesus with Mohammed the story of the adulteress. "Let him who is without sin cast the first stone" was Christ himself repudiating "cruel and unusual" punishment.
I asked you when you issued your "challenge" to give me an example of Christ having beheaded an enemy. You didn't find one of those, did you? When Peter lopped off the centurion's ear in the garden of Gethsemane Jeus miraculously replaced it.